who are you | Teen Ink

who are you

December 3, 2010
By djshrimpy123 BRONZE, W. Covina, California
djshrimpy123 BRONZE, W. Covina, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
animals are humans too

this story has everything from true love to fantasy to fairytale. I would recommend it to anyone who os looking for a good story. Chapter 1: Chapter 1: the beginning One day a girl named Kianii was walking to school when she had seen a boy who called her name. She stopped and waited for the boy to catch up to her. The boy said, ‘hello my name is William and might I say you look very cute and sexy today.’ Kianii said, ‘what do you want. Usually when someone wants something they usually want something.’ William said, ‘I have one thing to ask though.’ Then William said, ‘well I wanted to know if you would go out with me.’ Kianii said, ‘who are you?’ William said, ‘I am your new boyfriend.’ Kianii was so thrilled that she had been overwhelmed with joy. Chapter 2: Chapter 2: the best true love ever! Every month kianii and her new boyfriend, William, were celebrating their love and relationship. They bought each other gifts to show how much they loved each other. They were so thrilled to be together at school together that they spent every even spent every school day together. They even spent every weekend together. They were the biggest couple at Edgewood High School ever. They went to the school’s dances together as well. Things just seemed to work like magic. Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Why are things getting strange? Chapter 3: Why are things getting strange?
As soon as Kianii and William were in a three year relationship things started to get weird. One day kianii found a note on her front door and one on her bedroom door. The note on her front door said,
` Dear Miss Kianii,
My name is Nakitani and I am your fairy godmother. I have come to let you know that you and your boyfriend, William, have the royal purple fairy blood. You two are going to arrive at your new kingdom tomorrow night. See you soon!

With love your fairy godmother: Nakitani?’
Kianii told William about what happened and he was thrilled. So they waited until tomorrow night with excitement. Chapter 4: Chapter 4: this is the beginning of our new lives. When they woke up it was 11:00 p.m. and they both waited until Nakitani arrived. When she arrived they were stunned at how small Nakitani was. She was small, but she had good looks and charm. She was very polite and she was very thoughtful. She had gotten us some gifts. She said, ‘greetings my name is Nakitani and I have come to take you to your new kingdom. You two were destined to be together because you two are a very compatible couple.’ Kianii said, ` well we get along really well and we love each other a lot.’ Peter and kianii then lead a good life in there knew kingdom.
THE END!!!!!

The author's comments:
this is the way i feel about me finding my true love!

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