Day and Night | Teen Ink

Day and Night

August 3, 2010
By Kiernanskrazy BRONZE, Holly Springs, North Carolina
Kiernanskrazy BRONZE, Holly Springs, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
What is sleep after all but the process by which we dumped our insanity into a deep dark subconcious pit and came out on the other side ready to eat cereal instead of the neighbors children -- Jeff Lindsay


When this word is mentioned usually along with "of the night" afew things come to mind, for thoses selct few lucky enough to have seen Rocky Horror Picture Show might think of something slightly different form those who have not.
Avoiding the subject of "Sweet Transvestites". The mind tends to wonder to a slightly darker subject.
Murders, Rapists, Bad guys. Those with a more vivid imagination might think more twards mythical things. Shapeshifters or warewolves or my personal favorite Vampires.
Although in noones-no human or warewolf or vampire alike- in none of these things deepest darkest nightmares have they imagines a Creature like me.

Vampires come close but no cigar. Their thirst ranks close to my Need, but its not the same... Some can put it out of their minds... human blood at least... i cannot. I need it ... not blood, but freedom... to feel the flames flicker through my being... to realease my tentions... to get away from the mask i so carefully hide behind. When this happens...when i am... free. Vampires dont hold a candle to the terror i spread.
In some ways i am like a shape shifter, when they get too upset they change, but when i feel any emotion to strongly i change. Well anything besides calm. And i am an expert at calm, when your hair and eyes change color with your mood, calm is a good thing to be good at.
The way i live is like the saying... Expect the unexpected, that way i never loose my calm, but there are some things in life you would never expect...

The author's comments:
this is the prologue to the book im writing.

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