vampire-witch girl book1 chapter1 | Teen Ink

vampire-witch girl book1 chapter1

February 9, 2010
By evilvampire BRONZE, Allentown, Pennsylvania
evilvampire BRONZE, Allentown, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

“Another student from Ridge well high school was found dead last night. The girls’ parents were notified just an hour after her death. This is what her parents had to say.” “Our sweet Carter was somehow….”

“Oh no Carter, why?”

“Well Carter wasn’t the only student who has died, all across the country students of both middle and high schools have died. Who knows when this epidemic will end; but for now our children are not safe.”

I stood there, shocked to hear that one of my best friends has died.
“Mareica.” My mother called from the kitchen.

“She was my best friend.”

“I know.”

“Who would do such a thing?”

“I don’t know but whoever did it must’ve done it out of anger.”

“This is so unfair!”

“I know we all loved Carter. Now try to get through school as best as you can.”

“Is that all you can say!”

My mother’s eyes narrowed- she never liked it when I gave her attitude.
“Alright, but it won’t be the same.”

“Just go.”

As I was walking to school one of my least favorite people was calling my name.


“What do you want Justin?” I said bitterly.

“Well looks like someone’s in a bad mood. Anyway I heard about Carter and I just wanted to say, sorry. I know how hard it is to lose a friend. So if you need someone to talk to, I’ll be here.”

At first I didn’t move, it was like there was something keeping me in that spot. It’s like part of my life is over. But yet it’s just starting, it’s kind of ironic. I guess. Slowly I walked to the kitchen- looking at the floor, with my lower lip trembling.

“Mareica?” My mother said in confusion.

I slowly raised my head to look at her. Trying to fight back tears that I knew would come soon.

“So I guess you heard.”
“Wow thanks Justin that may help.” (Ok now that was weird Justin was nice to me). “Well lets see how school will be without Carter.”
“Yes I have more light energy, now I can live for as long as I like and no one can stop me!”

“Sorry to ruin your idea of no one can stop you Katara, but she’s been found.”

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t!” Katara snapped.

“Yes take a look.”

Katara walked to her mirror and saw the one she had been looking for. A smile creped along the corners of her face when she looked at Mareica.

“Katara I must advise you not to go after her; if Mareica finds out that you killed her best friend…. Well there may be a good chance you won’t win.”

“Put a sock in it Nathan! Now Rose tell me where I can find Mareica?”

“Ridge well high school, but please don’t go after her.”

“Rose must I take away your light energy too?”

“No lady Katara, um…. I just suggested that you wait until Mareica is alone.”

“Yes that would be perfect, stop her before she knows the truth.”

Katara’s smile had gotten wider, at the thought of Mareica dying.

“Carter.” I said weakly.

“Mareica, are you ok?” My teacher Mrs. Bergoaly asked.

“Not really Mrs. Bergoaly.”

“Is it because of Carter?”

I didn’t say a word; just hearing Carter’s name brought pain, as well as fond memories.

‘‘I know the two of you were like sisters. But just remember, no matter what, you’ll always have a bit of Carter with you.”

The day went as quickly as it came, and to my surprise this particular day was about to get strange.


“Make one attempt at getting free and you’ll die painfully.”

Whoever grabbed me was so strong I could hardly move. (I have to think of something and fast)! Somehow when this person went to touch me I burned her.

“Ouch! You little brat!”

“Who are you?” I said in an uneven voice.

“You will never know my name!”

I dodged whoever she was, but when I was cornered.

“What do you want?”

“Simple to get rid of you. Now just let me take your light energy.”
“Light energy?” I said quietly to myself.

“Prepare for the end of your life!”


All of a sudden this sort of golden glow surrounded me and went forward.

“What! Oh I’ll get you for this Mareica!”

“What? She disappeared, how strange.”

As I walked home, I had so much of that strange encounter on my mind.

“Mareica!” My mother screamed with enthusiasm, as I walked in the door.

“Hi…. Mom. Sorry I’m later than usual.”

“What’ that on your arm?”

Oh I…. I fell on my way home.”

“Come on into the kitchen, I’ll clean it up.”


“This is a strange cut.”

“Mom…. Have you ever heard of light energy?

Luna stared at me with stunned eyes. Luna is my mother’s name, but I don’t say her name out loud.

“How do you know about light energy?”

I knew in order to answer that question I’d have to inform Luna of the truth.

“Someone grabbed me while I was walking, and whispered something about it.”

“Katara! She’s back, but why?’’

Luna seemed worried about this. Like she was when my dad had disappeared- only to be found dead later that night.

“Mom who’s Katara?”

There were a few minutes of silence.
“I never wanted you to find out but….” Luna trailed off.

“You have been destined to cease her.”

“But why?”

“Mareica the truth is you’re a half- witch, half-vampire.”


“I didn’t want you to know.”

“But how?”

“You’re a witch because of my family, and a vampire because of your fathers’ family.”

“Are you a witch?”


“What about dad?”

“Your father, unlike the rest of his family is not a vampire.”

So why do in have to cease Katara?”

“She has lived for too long, a normal witch lives 2,250 years. Katara has lived six months past her death day. So it’s your job to make sure that she doesn’t live any longer.”

Lu…. I mean mom your asking me to do something that most teenagers don’t do.”

“Mareica you have to! If you don’t there won’t be any teenagers left!”

I thought about it for a few minutes, Luna was right if I didn’t put an end to Katara there wouldn’t be any teenagers left.

“Alright, what do I need to do?”

“Tap into and master your light energy.”

“How?” I asked slightly confused.

“How did you do it before?” Luna asked.

“I just wanted to get away.”
"So your light energy is brought out by emotion, and not by thought. Follow me."

I followed Luna to the guest bedroom across from her room.
"What are we doing in the guest bedroom?"

Luna ignored my question and went over to the bedside table. And the bedroom turned into a training room.
"Wow! How long has this been here?" I asked.
"Since you were born. Now please work hard everyone is counting on."
"Right, I'll do my very best."

“Light energy?” I said quietly to myself.

“Prepare for the end of your life!”


All of a sudden this sort of golden glow surrounded me and went forward.

“What! Oh I’ll get you for this Mareica!”

“What? She disappeared, how strange.”

As I walked home, I had so much of that strange encounter on my mind.

“Mareica!” My mother screamed with enthusiasm, as I walked in the door.

“Hi…. Mom. Sorry I’m later than usual.”

“What’ that on your arm?”

Oh I…. I fell on my way home.”

“Come on into the kitchen, I’ll clean it up.”


“This is a strange cut.”

“Mom…. Have you ever heard of light energy?

Luna stared at me with stunned eyes. Luna is my mother’s name, but I don’t say her name out loud.

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This article has 1 comment.

Wasda BRONZE said...
on Mar. 13 2010 at 6:40 pm
Wasda BRONZE, Cave Creek, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 36 comments
you have a very good plot but your story is a bit confusing. try to add transitions in your story. but other than that you are quiet good.