Bite (The updated version) | Teen Ink

Bite (The updated version)

September 1, 2009
By Anonymous

It was dark. The moonlight filtered through the windows of my bedroom, casting the room into a silver glow. There were plenty of stars out, standing like dreams waiting to be unleashed.
Piercing the tranquil aura of the previous moment, an unexpected thud made my heart pound erratically against my chest.
I tugged my bedclothes tighter around me, drawing them upward until they reached my chin. Abruptly, a shadow flickered across the wall.
I tried to steady my suddenly rapid breathing. I gasped, beginning to panic as I heard movement in the corner of the room. It was obscured by lurking shadows.
I saw a colossal, bear-sized shape approach me, moving with agile grace. It made no sound. Terror surged through my body, pulsing through my veins like a drug.
A glimpse of the animal made me clutch my throat in horror.
His black, fur shrouded body was hunched and cautious. It had a very large, bare torso, long and muscular arms, and strong legs. His eyes were the colour of deep, blood. They flickered here and there, scanning for movement. The beast had a small snout, and beneath this, lips curled around sinister-looking teeth, ready to shred.
I was desperate to scream, reach out and push the monster away, or even just cover my eyes. But I was rigid with shock and unable to defend myself as the creature leant forward and deeply inhaled the scent of my skin.
For one brief moment, he gazed intently into my eyes. That hideous face without warning turned ravenous. His eyes glinted in excitement as he leant back into an even lower crouch, preparing to pounce.




I forced my lead-heavy lids to open. I gasped as I began to feel a searing pain at the side of my neck. I writhed in agony as the pain at my throat blazed uncontrollably. I could not recognise my surroundings, the pain blurring my vision. A tortured scream tore through my lips.
I felt a gentle hand attempt to soothe me, stroking my face with a loving touch. I forced myself to go beyond the pain to see the face of the person comforting me. Eventually, I saw a face, wavering like a sheet of water. But I would always recognise that face. I would do anything for him.
Just to see him. Just to hear his laughter. Just to touch the unblemished surface of his skin. Just to feel his misty breath on my cheek, to taste the minty-sweetness of his tongue…
I loved Michael so passionately, I would murder just to be with him. And possibly the best thing yet, I know he returns my love.
But for now, just having him here is all I could do to live past the agony.
With all the strength I had left, I grasped his free hand, holding it tight.
‘I love you Michael”, was my last thought as I drifted into a pain-filled slumber.




I did not choose this life, a life of suffering. For me, my family, and those I love. One bite has thrust my life into unreversable torturing. Now, I am doomed to a fate where I will never be normal or human again.
I am a monster.
Whether I like it or not, I am a monster. A werewolf, never to be changed again.




A soft thud jerked me out of my thoughts. Michael visits me nearly every night. But this night was different. I had tried so desperately to tell him not to come, but after that fateful evening, he would never stay away.
A figure emerged from deep within the shadows.
“Hi,” Michael whispered.
I took a deep breath before answering in a controlled voice, “I told you not to come.”
“You can’t honestly believe I would stay away, could you?” He replied.
“No,” I sighed. “But just go, okay? You’ll be caught!”
“When have I ever been caught before? You’re Dad sleeps like the dead.”
“Please! You don’t understand!” I begged.
The scent of Michael’s skin wafted over me, and the one person I loved so strongly seemed so inviting… I had the sudden urge to lunge…
“Then help me to!”
“I can’t tell you. It’s not that I don’t want to. You won’t ever want to be around me again. Trust me.”
Michael leant forward, pain behind his eyes. He took my face in his hands and a look of sympathy crossed his face.
“I will always love you, no matter what has happened. It’s your turn to trust me.”
I fell into his arms struggling not to cry. I lost the battle. Tears streamed down my face, despite me trying to force them back. Michael cradled me in a tight embrace, waiting. Now a look of expectancy had begun to make itself shown.
I did not know how long I wept for. It could have been a mere minute, or it could have been an hour. All I know is that when my tears had finally begun to subside, Michael’s expression had not faded.
Do I tell him that I am a beast? A werewolf? That I could kill him with my eyes closed at this very moment? He would never look at me the same again.
But I don’t know how long I could keep a secret from him. It would betray our trust in each other, I know it would. And if I don’t tell him, what would I say to him now? I could never survive without him. But I know that I can’t be with him. I would kill him! I can transform into a monster at any moment, and would have no control of my actions.
Do I stay with him, and risk his life? Or leave and risk both of our sanity?
That, I could not do. Leave him forever; make him believe that I did not love him. I could not do that.
I would have to tell him.
“Michael?” I began my voice hoarse.
“Please understand… you have to believe me. And you must swear never to tell anyone!”
Michael nodded in reply.
“I’m not…” I choked, searching for the right words, “…human anymore. That night, an… animal crept into my room, and it bit me.” I struggled, dreading Michael’s reaction. “ I am… a werewolf”.
Michael stayed perfectly still, his expression unfathomable.
“But…werewolves are just a myth…”
I shook my head, wishing it were true.
“I don’t know if I should be with you… I could kill you!”
Michael’s mouth dropped open before his expression turned fierce. Oh no. I would know that look anywhere. He’s made up his mind about something, and Michael’s not one to change his decision.
“What?” I queried, a suspicious tone to my husky voice.
“Bite me”. He said fiercely. “If this is the only way we can be together, then bite me.”
“No!” I would have shouted, but then my dad would wake up. “I’m not going to bite you! It would change your life forever! I didn’t have a choice!”
“But I do.” Michael replied. Our gaze became locked together. That face I loved so much was in pain. I could not bear to see that.
“I can’t. I can’t do that to you. We’re only young! You’re only young! You could do so much with your life. Don’t let me… take that away from you”.
My heart ached in sorrow. I didn’t want to have to make this decision.
“And besides, I might not be able to control myself… Will I be able to stop with just one bite?”
Michael remained silent for a long time.
“Yes.’ He eventually replied. “I trust you.”
I shook my head slowly.
“Please.” He whispered. “We could have a life together… you don’t have to do this alone.”
I mulled all that he had said over in my mind. Sure, I would love for him to support me, but is our young love enough to last a lifetime?
‘Yes,’ I decided. If this is what he wants…
I looked up into Michael’s eyes. Hadn’t I said I would do anything for him? This was my chance to prove my love.
I smiled hesitantly, and immediately Michael knew my answer. His eyes lit up with excitement.
“I love you.” I whispered as I carefully pressed my teeth to his throat.

It was dark. The moonlight filtered through the windows of my bedroom, casting the room into a silver glow. There were plenty of stars out, standing like dreams waiting to be unleashed.
Piercing the tranquil aura of the previous moment, an unexpected thud made my heart pound erratically against my chest.
I tugged my bedclothes tighter around me, drawing them upward until they reached my chin. Abruptly, a shadow flickered across the wall.
I tried to steady my suddenly rapid breathing. I gasped, beginning to panic as I heard movement in the corner of the room. It was obscured by lurking shadows.
I saw a colossal, bear-sized shape approach me, moving with agile grace. It made no sound. Terror surged through my body, pulsing through my veins like a drug.
A glimpse of the animal made me clutch my throat in horror.
His black, fur shrouded body was hunched and cautious. It had a very large, bare torso, long and muscular arms, and strong legs. His eyes were the colour of deep, blood. They flickered here and there, scanning for movement. The beast had a small snout, and beneath this, lips curled around sinister-looking teeth, ready to shred.
I was desperate to scream, reach out and push the monster away, or even just cover my eyes. But I was rigid with shock and unable to defend myself as the creature leant forward and deeply inhaled the scent of my skin.
For one brief moment, he gazed intently into my eyes. That hideous face without warning turned ravenous. His eyes glinted in excitement as he leant back into an even lower crouch, preparing to pounce.




I forced my lead-heavy lids to open. I gasped as I began to feel a searing pain at the side of my neck. I writhed in agony as the pain at my throat blazed uncontrollably. I could not recognise my surroundings, the pain blurring my vision. A tortured scream tore through my lips.
I felt a gentle hand attempt to soothe me, stroking my face with a loving touch. I forced myself to go beyond the pain to see the face of the person comforting me. Eventually, I saw a face, wavering like a sheet of water. But I would always recognise that face. I would do anything for him.
Just to see him. Just to hear his laughter. Just to touch the unblemished surface of his skin. Just to feel his misty breath on my cheek, to taste the minty-sweetness of his tongue…
I loved Michael so passionately, I would murder just to be with him. And possibly the best thing yet, I know he returns my love.
But for now, just having him here is all I could do to live past the agony.
With all the strength I had left, I grasped his free hand, holding it tight.
‘I love you Michael”, was my last thought as I drifted into a pain-filled slumber.




I did not choose this life, a life of suffering. For me, my family, and those I love. One bite has thrust my life into unreversable torturing. Now, I am doomed to a fate where I will never be normal or human again.
I am a monster.
Whether I like it or not, I am a monster. A werewolf, never to be changed again.




A soft thud jerked me out of my thoughts. Michael visits me nearly every night. But this night was different. I had tried so desperately to tell him not to come, but after that fateful evening, he would never stay away.
A figure emerged from deep within the shadows.
“Hi,” Michael whispered.
I took a deep breath before answering in a controlled voice, “I told you not to come.”
“You can’t honestly believe I would stay away, could you?” He replied.
“No,” I sighed. “But just go, okay? You’ll be caught!”
“When have I ever been caught before? You’re Dad sleeps like the dead.”
“Please! You don’t understand!” I begged.
The scent of Michael’s skin wafted over me, and the one person I loved so strongly seemed so inviting… I had the sudden urge to lunge…
“Then help me to!”
“I can’t tell you. It’s not that I don’t want to. You won’t ever want to be around me again. Trust me.”
Michael leant forward, pain behind his eyes. He took my face in his hands and a look of sympathy crossed his face.
“I will always love you, no matter what has happened. It’s your turn to trust me.”
I fell into his arms struggling not to cry. I lost the battle. Tears streamed down my face, despite me trying to force them back. Michael cradled me in a tight embrace, waiting. Now a look of expectancy had begun to make itself shown.
I did not know how long I wept for. It could have been a mere minute, or it could have been an hour. All I know is that when my tears had finally begun to subside, Michael’s expression had not faded.
Do I tell him that I am a beast? A werewolf? That I could kill him with my eyes closed at this very moment? He would never look at me the same again.
But I don’t know how long I could keep a secret from him. It would betray our trust in each other, I know it would. And if I don’t tell him, what would I say to him now? I could never survive without him. But I know that I can’t be with him. I would kill him! I can transform into a monster at any moment, and would have no control of my actions.
Do I stay with him, and risk his life? Or leave and risk both of our sanity?
That, I could not do. Leave him forever; make him believe that I did not love him. I could not do that.
I would have to tell him.
“Michael?” I began my voice hoarse.
“Please understand… you have to believe me. And you must swear never to tell anyone!”
Michael nodded in reply.
“I’m not…” I choked, searching for the right words, “…human anymore. That night, an… animal crept into my room, and it bit me.” I struggled, dreading Michael’s reaction. “ I am… a werewolf”.
Michael stayed perfectly still, his expression unfathomable.
“But…werewolves are just a myth…”
I shook my head, wishing it were true.
“I don’t know if I should be with you… I could kill you!”
Michael’s mouth dropped open before his expression turned fierce. Oh no. I would know that look anywhere. He’s made up his mind about something, and Michael’s not one to change his decision.
“What?” I queried, a suspicious tone to my husky voice.
“Bite me”. He said fiercely. “If this is the only way we can be together, then bite me.”
“No!” I would have shouted, but then my dad would wake up. “I’m not going to bite you! It would change your life forever! I didn’t have a choice!”
“But I do.” Michael replied. Our gaze became locked together. That face I loved so much was in pain. I could not bear to see that.
“I can’t. I can’t do that to you. We’re only young! You’re only young! You could do so much with your life. Don’t let me… take that away from you”.
My heart ached in sorrow. I didn’t want to have to make this decision.
“And besides, I might not be able to control myself… Will I be able to stop with just one bite?”
Michael remained silent for a long time.
“Yes.’ He eventually replied. “I trust you.”
I shook my head slowly.
“Please.” He whispered. “We could have a life together… you don’t have to do this alone.”
I mulled all that he had said over in my mind. Sure, I would love for him to support me, but is our young love enough to last a lifetime?
‘Yes,’ I decided. If this is what he wants…
I looked up into Michael’s eyes. Hadn’t I said I would do anything for him? This was my chance to prove my love.
I smiled hesitantly, and immediately Michael knew my answer. His eyes lit up with excitement.
“I love you.” I whispered as I carefully pressed my teeth to his throat.

It was dark. The moonlight filtered through the windows of my bedroom, casting the room into a silver glow. There were plenty of stars out, standing like dreams waiting to be unleashed.
Piercing the tranquil aura of the previous moment, an unexpected thud made my heart pound erratically against my chest.
I tugged my bedclothes tighter around me, drawing them upward until they reached my chin. Abruptly, a shadow flickered across the wall.
I tried to steady my suddenly rapid breathing. I gasped, beginning to panic as I heard movement in the corner of the room. It was obscured by lurking shadows.
I saw a colossal, bear-sized shape approach me, moving with agile grace. It made no sound. Terror surged through my body, pulsing through my veins like a drug.
A glimpse of the animal made me clutch my throat in horror.
His black, fur shrouded body was hunched and cautious. It had a very large, bare torso, long and muscular arms, and strong legs. His eyes were the colour of deep, blood. They flickered here and there, scanning for movement. The beast had a small snout, and beneath this, lips curled around sinister-looking teeth, ready to shred.
I was desperate to scream, reach out and push the monster away, or even just cover my eyes. But I was rigid with shock and unable to defend myself as the creature leant forward and deeply inhaled the scent of my skin.
For one brief moment, he gazed intently into my eyes. That hideous face without warning turned ravenous. His eyes glinted in excitement as he leant back into an even lower crouch, preparing to pounce.




I forced my lead-heavy lids to open. I gasped as I began to feel a searing pain at the side of my neck. I writhed in agony as the pain at my throat blazed uncontrollably. I could not recognise my surroundings, the pain blurring my vision. A tortured scream tore through my lips.
I felt a gentle hand attempt to soothe me, stroking my face with a loving touch. I forced myself to go beyond the pain to see the face of the person comforting me. Eventually, I saw a face, wavering like a sheet of water. But I would always recognise that face. I would do anything for him.
Just to see him. Just to hear his laughter. Just to touch the unblemished surface of his skin. Just to feel his misty breath on my cheek, to taste the minty-sweetness of his tongue…
I loved Michael so passionately, I would murder just to be with him. And possibly the best thing yet, I know he returns my love.
But for now, just having him here is all I could do to live past the agony.
With all the strength I had left, I grasped his free hand, holding it tight.
‘I love you Michael”, was my last thought as I drifted into a pain-filled slumber.




I did not choose this life, a life of suffering. For me, my family, and those I love. One bite has thrust my life into unreversable torturing. Now, I am doomed to a fate where I will never be normal or human again.
I am a monster.
Whether I like it or not, I am a monster. A werewolf, never to be changed again.




A soft thud jerked me out of my thoughts. Michael visits me nearly every night. But this night was different. I had tried so desperately to tell him not to come, but after that fateful evening, he would never stay away.
A figure emerged from deep within the shadows.
“Hi,” Michael whispered.
I took a deep breath before answering in a controlled voice, “I told you not to come.”
“You can’t honestly believe I would stay away, could you?” He replied.
“No,” I sighed. “But just go, okay? You’ll be caught!”
“When have I ever been caught before? You’re Dad sleeps like the dead.”
“Please! You don’t understand!” I begged.
The scent of Michael’s skin wafted over me, and the one person I loved so strongly seemed so inviting… I had the sudden urge to lunge…
“Then help me to!”
“I can’t tell you. It’s not that I don’t want to. You won’t ever want to be around me again. Trust me.”
Michael leant forward, pain behind his eyes. He took my face in his hands and a look of sympathy crossed his face.
“I will always love you, no matter what has happened. It’s your turn to trust me.”
I fell into his arms struggling not to cry. I lost the battle. Tears streamed down my face, despite me trying to force them back. Michael cradled me in a tight embrace, waiting. Now a look of expectancy had begun to make itself shown.
I did not know how long I wept for. It could have been a mere minute, or it could have been an hour. All I know is that when my tears had finally begun to subside, Michael’s expression had not faded.
Do I tell him that I am a beast? A werewolf? That I could kill him with my eyes closed at this very moment? He would never look at me the same again.
But I don’t know how long I could keep a secret from him. It would betray our trust in each other, I know it would. And if I don’t tell him, what would I say to him now? I could never survive without him. But I know that I can’t be with him. I would kill him! I can transform into a monster at any moment, and would have no control of my actions.
Do I stay with him, and risk his life? Or leave and risk both of our sanity?
That, I could not do. Leave him forever; make him believe that I did not love him. I could not do that.
I would have to tell him.
“Michael?” I began my voice hoarse.
“Please understand… you have to believe me. And you must swear never to tell anyone!”
Michael nodded in reply.
“I’m not…” I choked, searching for the right words, “…human anymore. That night, an… animal crept into my room, and it bit me.” I struggled, dreading Michael’s reaction. “ I am… a werewolf”.
Michael stayed perfectly still, his expression unfathomable.
“But…werewolves are just a myth…”
I shook my head, wishing it were true.
“I don’t know if I should be with you… I could kill you!”
Michael’s mouth dropped open before his expression turned fierce. Oh no. I would know that look anywhere. He’s made up his mind about something, and Michael’s not one to change his decision.
“What?” I queried, a suspicious tone to my husky voice.
“Bite me”. He said fiercely. “If this is the only way we can be together, then bite me.”
“No!” I would have shouted, but then my dad would wake up. “I’m not going to bite you! It would change your life forever! I didn’t have a choice!”
“But I do.” Michael replied. Our gaze became locked together. That face I loved so much was in pain. I could not bear to see that.
“I can’t. I can’t do that to you. We’re only young! You’re only young! You could do so much with your life. Don’t let me… take that away from you”.
My heart ached in sorrow. I didn’t want to have to make this decision.
“And besides, I might not be able to control myself… Will I be able to stop with just one bite?”
Michael remained silent for a long time.
“Yes.’ He eventually replied. “I trust you.”
I shook my head slowly.
“Please.” He whispered. “We could have a life together… you don’t have to do this alone.”
I mulled all that he had said over in my mind. Sure, I would love for him to support me, but is our young love enough to last a lifetime?
‘Yes,’ I decided. If this is what he wants…
I looked up into Michael’s eyes. Hadn’t I said I would do anything for him? This was my chance to prove my love.
I smiled hesitantly, and immediately Michael knew my answer. His eyes lit up with excitement.
“I love you.” I whispered as I carefully pressed my teeth to his throat.

The author's comments:
I read over a piece I submitted and then realised how bad it was so this is the slightly updated version. (I did the other one ages ago!!)

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This article has 2 comments.

Sunny said...
on Sep. 24 2009 at 1:05 am
O my Gosh! I didn't know that! Thanks!

KatrinaC47 said...
on Sep. 22 2009 at 6:39 pm
KatrinaC47, Loma Rica, California
0 articles 0 photos 30 comments
Wow. I read your other one, and this is soo much better! Oh, and by the way, did you know it posted the story like three times?