The Northern Lights | Teen Ink

The Northern Lights

March 8, 2024
By 24wr SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
24wr SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

       Once upon a time, there once was a boy named James. James lived in Tromso, Norway, in a small village with his mom and was the youngest of five brothers, so he didn’t get the attention he needed. James was not a good kid, even though this could blame this on his troubled life at home, he always picked on kids smaller than him in his village. He had many bad habits and didn't do anything productive with his life. 

       The one thing in life he did enjoy were the stars in the sky, he hated everyone, but he loved the stars in the sky. Every night he sat on his roof and prayed to his gods that he would be taken away from his cruel home. One night when he was praying on the roof he was visited by the God of night, Nyx, this God told him she would allow James to run with the sky and light up the nights. She would make James immortal but this would turn into Jame’s job. The northern city he lived in was dark and needed lights besides the stars. James immediately agreed to this without hesitation. When he shook Nyx’s hand he started to change forms. James turned into a colorful snake and everywhere he went he left a beautiful, strange, thin cloud of light behind him. Nyx told him he would be a snake at night but an immortal being at day. He would transform just like he did in front now each time the sun sets and he would change back when the sun rises.

       Nyx told James he can only visit Earth at night and he would not be allowed to leave the Northern Area, because this was the area that needed the light the most. James was a little confused, he asked “where will I go when it is day?” “How will I see my family?” Nyx responded, “Do not worry about your family, you have a larger task now. During the day you will roam the heavens and live the life of a king.” James was okay with this because it sounded like his life will be a lot better, but every now and then people could hear his cry in the wind when he goes on his night journey and he thinks of how he wished he could’ve had a better life with a better family.

        He eventually realized he cannot dwell on the past and he can only enjoy his life now. After he realized he can’t change his past but only try to enjoy his present and make the best future James is happier than ever his light still lights up the northern skies to the present day. This light helps remind us that there is no life better than the one you are living right now even if the situation you are in seems bad, James prayed for an unrealistic life and the life he used to pray for is the one he lives now but he would have been just as happy if he realized he needed to make the best out of what he was given.

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