Hidden in the Field | Teen Ink

Hidden in the Field

June 2, 2023
By Anonymous

The moonlight shone down on the wheat fields, gently illuminating the top of the glumes and slipping to the leaves at the whim of the winds. In the distance, a faint humming, and a high pitched shrill ringing in my ears. I set myself to the ground, making sure to keep the stems perfectly aligned at the top. The device should keep me safe, although it's also the reason they’re after me, so 50/50. I watch as the material over my hands slowly morphs to the color of the soil and bent stems beneath it. The fabric cools until it is the temperature of the ground, and I set my head right against the ground. To them, I should be completely invisible, not even a single stray photon being missed by the projectors.

It has been going on for hours, and the sun is rising in the distance. The humming in the distance gets louder and quieter by the minute, but that high pitched shrill keeps steady, constant with every passing moment. I could check what it is, but I don’t dare move, lest they find me and arrest me for stealing the device. The wind was starting to pick up, which was worrying me a lot. It could easily go and bend against me, and I know they’ll be close enough to catch that on their cameras. My hands are freezing too. The temperature matching capabilities, while amazing for short term evasion of thermal cameras, became painful after spending hours at that temperature. 

I grit my teeth and remind myself of the stakes. I can't afford to make a single mistake. The fate of my freedom hangs in the balance, and if I'm caught, there will be no escape. I take a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves and focus on the task at hand.

As the sun continues its ascent, the humming grows louder, and the shrill ringing pierces through the air. It's a sound I've become all too familiar with—a sound that sends a shiver down my spine every time I hear it. It's the sound of the government's surveillance drones, tirelessly scouring the area, searching for any trace of my presence.

But I refuse to be found.

With each passing minute, I become more attuned to the rhythm of the wheat field around me. I can feel the vibrations of the earth beneath my fingertips, the rustling of the leaves against my cheek. It's as if the very essence of nature is guiding me, shielding me from prying eyes.

Suddenly, a gust of wind threatens to disrupt my camouflage. The wheat stalks sway violently, their whispers growing louder in my ears. I hold my breath, my heart pounding in my chest, praying that I won't be exposed. It feels like an eternity before the wind subsides, leaving me once again hidden in plain sight.

As the day progresses, my body grows weary from the strain. The physical and mental exhaustion threatens to overwhelm me, but I refuse to succumb to it. I remind myself of why I'm here, why I'm risking everything. It's not just for my own freedom—it's for the freedom of countless others who have fallen victim to the government's oppressive regime.

Hours turn into an eternity, and the sun begins its descent towards the horizon. The humming and shrill ringing gradually fade into the distance, a sign that the drones have moved on. It's a temporary respite, but I know I can't let my guard down just yet.

I finally allow myself to relax a fraction. The tension that has gripped me for so long begins to loosen its hold. But just as I start to believe that I've made it through unscathed, a voice breaks the silence.

As I whirl around, my heart racing, I see my best friend, Alden, standing there with a mischievous grin on his face. But there's something strange about him—something that makes me question my sanity. It's as if he's partially transparent, his figure flickering in and out of view.

"What... what are you doing here?" I stammer, unable to comprehend what I'm seeing.

Alden's grin widens, and he steps closer, his translucent form shimmering in the moonlight. 

"Surprise! I've been right here with you the whole time, thanks to this invisibility device."

My mind races to make sense of the revelation. Alden, my loyal friend, had been invisible right beside me, watching over me, while I had been fighting for survival. The realization fills me with a mix of emotions—relief, joy, and a touch of frustration at his teasing.

"You could have told me!" I exclaim, my voice a mix of exasperation and gratitude.

Alden chuckles, his voice filled with amusement. "Where's the fun in that? Besides, I wanted to see if you had what it takes to outsmart them on your own. And you did, my friend. You did."

A wave of warmth washes over me as I realize the magnitude of what we've accomplished together. The hours of hiding, the constant fear and uncertainty—all of it was made bearable by Alden's unwavering support. He had been there, right by my side, even when I couldn't see him.

As we stand there, bathed in the soft twilight, a newfound sense of freedom and determination fills the air. We know we can't stay here any longer. The government's pursuit will only intensify, running after the last 2 devices.

Leaving the wheat fields behind, we venture into the sea, guided by the glow of the horizon and fueled by our shared determination. The invisibility devices, now revealed, will be our secret weapon.

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