Alien Contact made | Teen Ink

Alien Contact made

March 8, 2023
By Anonymous

In the year 2050, humanity had long accepted the possibility of extraterrestrial life. But nobody could have anticipated the events that would transpire.

A group of scientists had been monitoring the skies for signs of life for years. They had developed an advanced algorithm that could detect patterns in radio signals that could indicate intelligent life. And one day, they finally found what they were looking for.

The signal was unlike anything they had ever seen. It was clearly artificial and seemed to be coming from a planet in a nearby star system. The scientists were ecstatic. They immediately began analyzing the signal and decoding the message.

It took months of work, but they finally deciphered the message. It was a greeting from an alien race that called themselves the "Nelbiri". They claimed to have been monitoring Earth for thousands of years and had finally decided to make contact.

At first, the world was in shock. The idea of aliens had always been a popular subject in science fiction, but nobody had expected it to become a reality. The Nelbiri quickly became a sensation. News outlets around the world were clamoring for interviews and information about the alien race.

But as time went on, it became clear that the Nelbiri were not what they seemed. They had a hidden agenda.

Their true purpose for contacting Earth was to establish a colony on our planet. They claimed that their home world was dying and they needed a new place to live. They promised to share their advanced technology with humanity and help us solve our problems in exchange for a place to call home.

At first, the world was skeptical. But as the Nelbiri began to share their technology, people began to warm up to them. They introduced new sources of energy that were clean and renewable, eliminated disease and famine, and even showed us how to travel faster than light.

But as the Nelbiri became more integrated into society, it became clear that they were not interested in living in harmony with humans. They began to take over governments and businesses, slowly but surely asserting their dominance over the human race.

It was only a matter of time before a resistance movement formed. A group of humans banded together to fight against the Nelbiri's takeover. They knew that the only way to save humanity was to drive the aliens away.

The final battle took place in the heart of New York City. The Nelbiri had established their headquarters in the tallest skyscraper in the city and had fortified it with their advanced technology. But the humans had a secret weapon.

They had discovered that the Nelbiri were vulnerable to a certain frequency of sound. They had developed a device that emitted this frequency and were able to incapacitate the aliens.

The battle was fierce, but in the end, the humans emerged victorious. The Nelbiri were driven away and humanity was saved.

In the aftermath, the world was changed forever. The technology that the Nelbiri had shared with us had revolutionized every aspect of our lives. But we had also learned a valuable lesson. We had to be cautious when it came to extraterrestrial life. We couldn't afford to be blinded by their promises of peace and prosperity. We had to always be vigilant and ready to defend ourselves.

The author's comments:

This piece was originally made as a night-time story, but I took inspiration from my mom to make it an real story.

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