Hunt or Hunted | Teen Ink

Hunt or Hunted

September 12, 2022
By Pecina BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
Pecina BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The headmaster had just finished graduating all of his students. Because of this, he needs new students, but that means he will have to go and kidnap them as babies. Every time the students at his dojo graduate after 18 years of training, he has to then start the process over by getting more. Master, Lou then made his way to the city of japan and began to choose. Some he could tell were weak, he would consider them weak if they cried by the sight of him. But those that would lock eyes and hold it showed him an austere sense, it was like a natural sense of fearlessness that most babies never have. After two months of building his class, he started training the day they could all walk. Of course, before training, he would build a bond with them, those who were weak as children would be taken back to the city so they could have their normal life back with their families. But those who were considered strong enough would become warriors. After months, then years of training Master, Lou notice two of the students that stood out the most named Joe and Sam. They were always competing with each other and always disagreed a lot of the time. They had formed a natural rivalry over the years to always be better than the other. From duals to sword fights, they were always skilled but never had a clear winner. Everything Master, Lou said they engraved in their head to perfection. Joe would always learn a little faster, but that was because he was very patient he always had that. But Sam he was the more stubborn one usually starting the tension of their rivalry, he would use his anger to learn and was never self-satisfied until he perfected the skill. At the end of the day, they were both very skilled at everything they were taught.

When Master, Lou realized the significant skill gap between Joe and Sam and all the other students. He decided to look at their family background to get a better understanding of their bloodline. Joe had come from a family where his grandfather was an assassin and the generations before him were also assassins. It made sense because of the natural sense of patience and dedication to always be a better version of himself every day.

But Sam had come from a family of violence, not assassins, or nights it was just brutal. His grandfather was a cold-hearted killer and his father was an abusive person who would do things irrationally without thinking about anyone but himself. But Sam just managed to find a way to use it to ascend in his ability. His only and biggest flaw is he can't allow people to be better than him and his jealousy for Master, Lou. Master, Lou loved all his students equally of course harder on the weaker but he always ensured their safety. But that wasn't enough for him he wanted to be noticed and he always thought Joe was the reason for him not getting the acknowledgment he deeply desired. Joe on the other hand never judged him, he understood that he had a different way of thinking because everyone is different. Joe did have his moments of course when Sam would provoke Joe and aggravate him to the point he would say something. Of course, it didn't help their bond, but Joe would always apologize and Sam would never accept it. And Joe would always try to talk to him to fix their rivalry but it was dawdling and would always never go anywhere.

After years of more training and training, it came close to graduation in just 3 months. But then Master, Lou started to feel ill and the herbs he would usually consume stopped helping so he was forced to see a doctor. He turned out to have cancer and very few months to live. He knew he had to choose one of his students to be the new headmaster. The two he couldn't decide between were Joe and Sam. His first pick was Joe but he is scared he will baby the weak too much and soften up the technique he has taught for years. Then with Sam, he fears he will teach them through anger and to be heartless which would be very dangerous for the world. Master, Lou then decided to continue training per usual and didn't inform anyone about the sickness. After three more months had passed of training everyone had finally graduated and he had talked to both of them together after graduation. He told them about his sickness and informed them how hard it was for him to decide between the two so he came up with a conclusion to have them both dule in the woods, they will have 24 hours to be the last one to come back from the woods would be the new headmaster. They didn't know how to feel about it but after they discussed it they agreed. Master, Lou told them to meet in the dojo sparing room by midnight for them to begin

At midnight they were both at the dojo waiting for Master, Lou. When he arrived they made their way to the woods, once they were both in the woods the master disappeared. Both of them stood there for a second, then started to fight. During the battle, they both blocked each other's attacks perfectly nobody landed a thing until Sam started to feel tired and got started to make mistakes. Once Sam noticed he was fatigued he decided to run to safety to catch his breath. When Joe noticed he was running he let him go to catch his own breath. After Sam was sure he lost Joe he decided to make himself a weapon to get an edge in the fight because he refused to be the one to lose. Joe already knew the type of person Sam is and made a weapon of his own and had a very sharp wooden edge to his solid stick. As the night went by and the sun started to rise they ran into each other again in the woods. This time Sam was angrier than ever because of his obvious loss in the last battle, but he wasn't going to hold back. Joe knew that Sam wouldn't hold back and would end it when given a chance. They dueled and Sam's endurance got the best of him again and to the ground, he went, weapon out of hand he knew his fate and for the first time ever he accepted it. Joe paused and told Sam ‘This is your last chance to join me Sam paused in disbelief and finally decided to join him. After they both returned Master, Lou smiled at both of them and looked at Sam, and said ‘I knew you would accept’. Master, Lou then passed the following week, and Joe, and Sam both lead and taught the future generations to come and became unstoppable

The author's comments:

I am a high school student from texas. 

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