The Magic of Humanity | Teen Ink

The Magic of Humanity

May 23, 2019
By LuciaR. SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
LuciaR. SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Humans, such interesting creatures roamed a world of which his people, and he controls, but doesn’t belong in. Humans, beings who have death on their fingertips. Humans, creatures who stray away from one another, never united. Humans, beings who have the power to changed everything. Humans don’t realize the power they possess, and neither did he, until he met one. His life began as a whispering wind, blowing, breezing, and rushing through the glistening leaves and petals, still dripping with morning dew. As the wind blew, flying through the forest, it grew stronger and stronger still. The breeze caught a few petals petting the ground like fingertips petting an endless cat, and they were launched into the wind. The wind blew the petals onto a stump, numbers of stumps surrounding it. From the petals rose a small humanoid creature, who wore the petals of lavender as clothing. He had no name. He only the clothing he wore and the sparkling blue butterfly wings sprouting from his shoulders. A fluttering cascade of blue in the sky. Through the maze of scorched stumps he flew, a lost breeze who strayed from its path. The fairy flew down to one of the many remnants of a forest, and pressed his hands against it, his magic flowed through it like a glowing stream. To him, the smell of the trunk was awful, however, he continued. The trunk smelled of screams and agony, the spirits of the damned fairies trapped inside. From the trunk grew a tree, growing larger and larger until it had become a tree large enough to house a human. From the twisted, mutilated stumps with bark like an endless spiral reaching for the skies, peaked pixie fairies, his kind. They didn’t speak.

They couldn’t speak.

They wouldn’t speak.

Not now.

Not like this.

The fairies watched him in silence, all still shaking from fear of an unseen force. The force was a fear looming above each one of them, a shadow of terror. He brushed off the remaining ash on his jacket of lavender, part of his face was stained black from the smoke. A few fairies eventually flew up to greet the newcomer, and they seemed to examine him, their eyes moved frantically to take in every detail. He himself didn’t look all too different to that of humans, for no one would be able to tell the difference between he or a human if it weren’t for his elvish ears, size, wings, and beauty. The fairy possessed eyes of blue that shined like a blue sky on a sunny day, and pale skin devoid of scars, acne, or warts, only markings along his spine. His body was slender, like a graceful hourglass. His wings were of a Panacea Procilla, blue with spots like eyes staring at all who dared to look at them. The fairies began to speak, their voices strained and musty from the smoke in the forest.

“There was a great forest fire within our ranks… It burned our comrades… but alas, we mustn’t be afraid. You must go out and bring upon the rest of spring…” bits and pieces of phrases he had yet to understand they put their near skeletal fingers on his shoulders, their magic flowed from them to him. His wings moved on their own, propelling him into the sky like he was a small comet. He was sent into a magic fueled daze, filled with adrenaline to last him the whole trip. He was flying over a state park, when he heard a heart-wrenching screech, snapping him out of it. The fairy found himself falling and falling, right towards the screech. The shriek of a crow? No. It was higher than that. The song of a lark? No, it couldn’t be a bird. It was the cries and wailing of a baby boy. The fairy stopped his path right in front of the baby’s plump face. The baby lay in a nest of leaves, created from its own screaming and crying. It stopped, staring at the tiny person who had landed upon its chest. It wore a blue onesie as soft as fleece with a smile as bright as the sun. When he flew over and around the child, its hands followed. A giggle erupted from the baby’s mouth, and he found himself beginning to giggle along with the child. His voice was a song, a melody for everything to hear. He began to realize that he too could speak. Did he speak? He did speak. He spoke for the child alone.

“Young one, everything will be alright. We will persevere through the madness that is life. I will help you, child. A spirit of spring is I, and I shall bestow upon you warmth and comfort.” The fairy spoke like a lullaby, or perhaps like the wind from which he was spawned. With the adrenaline of the magic coursing within his veins, he could feel something else. Was it happiness, appreciation, a sense of purpose, or simply euphoria? All these confusing feelings strangled his psyche until he had processed what he saw. The fairy had seen both the good and the bad of humanity all in his first day. This was the beginning of Dusk’s journey to understand humanity and to save his people from them.

The author's comments:

I always had a fascination for fairies and I wished to write about it. Thus, I wrote a story about fairies and how they would see Humans.

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