Robotville | Teen Ink


April 10, 2019
By cnavarro2021 GOLD, Las Vegas, Nevada
cnavarro2021 GOLD, Las Vegas, Nevada
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Jeremiah 29:11- "For I know the plans I have for you", declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."

At the temple of Robotville, it turned very hectic.

We went on a Monday because we heard the robots were damming jobs starting today. I’d heard of robots running the stores and restaurants in downtown Robotville— but I wanted to see it firsthand for myself. It was the termination of the summertime break, so this would be our last opportunity to run around and have fun before school starts again There are three things I hate about school: homework, exams, and the annoying teachers. Everything for school is tedious because I’m still blooming. We are in our last grade of elementary school before we transition to middle school; Tail Colon is not ready for school because he is a Wallflower. We had a talk with a midget the other day and he told us about the temple of Robotville.

Tail Colon was like, “How come the robots are taking away people’s jobs now?”

“Well, the emperor named Sega had a revolt and killed lots of people. He wants to rule the whole land and have power for himself. Since he barred people from taking jobs, he gave robots the jobs.”

“Man, I can’t work there, but I am going there just to look.”

“Okay man. And by the way, good luck with the place because I heard they do capital punishment if you do something really bad.”

So Tail told us that there was this riot place for diverting at Robotville. The sky is amethyst, the river is glutinous with butter-type, and the bridge is not clumsy, it is squishy like a jelly bean. They served us drinks that are not bacteria. The plants are pretty golden, and soon, we can go into this place very frequently because it does not seem so shoddy. The robots are toying with us, and we decided to steal a robot from the Temple of Robotville because the robot looks formidable.

“Let’s go into the room and figure out how to get out of here with the robot Tail. There is a secret tunnel to go through and I see there is a way to get to our house quickly.

“Okay Tin. There is a transporter and we can relocate to our house and we will not get caught.”

We have arrived home, and we programmed the robot by giving its name and figuring out if it is a boy or a girl. We invited someone named Ronald to figure out the genes and its zygote.

“I am here to figure if it is a boy or a girl. I will do some tests for about 30 minutes and I will tell after the tests.”

Ronald is a guy with a furry mustache, a head that is the size of a flat ball, and he has hair with dangerous spikes. He is a mad scientist out of the cemetery because he has lived twice in his life.

“Okay, guys. The robot is considered to be a boy. Have a good night and I will see you later.”

“Have a good night too Ronald!!”

The thunder is red because there is a thunderstorm. The sky now turns red as night is coming, and the moon is blue giving us some light in the darkness. The stars are pointing towards us instead of them handling their own business. Our house is protected by a beam. We type in the secret passcode and we can go outside to enjoy the hazy red sky. Instead of clear sunlight, we can feel the red light like it is a laser. We bought a car that costs around $500 because it is self-controlled and the economy is in depression. Yes, we are in the Great Depression.

We were walking outside of our house and we approached a robotic bird. The robotic bird gave us a slip of paper, and suddenly, it flew away.

“The robotic bird seems similar to robots. It is a paper with a message from Emperor Sega.”

“Let me read the message Tail. Here is the message from them: You have made the fallacious decision to take one of our robots away. It is illegal for you to steal something. Are you aware of stealing is illegal! Be aware, we are coming for you!”

“This is stupid Tail! Why the heck we can steal a candy bar from the store, but not a robot from Robotville?! We just went to the temple of Robotville and had some fun, but the robot was messing with us, so we decided to steal, and how did they know we stole a robot?!”

“Calm down Tin!”

“Don’t tell me to calm down! If you touch me, I will break your head!!”

“But you can not break my head. My head is a rock and it can not be broken. It is solid and it is not a normal head. We have robot heads and it is impossible to break my head. Get it?!”

“You are right. Let’s go to the temple of Robotville and talk to Emperor Sega!”

We walked the bridge and we fell, but we have fallen on a bouncy castle. Everything around us is safe because we are not in the danger zone and there are no rules to break. As we have crossed the bridge, we are in peril. As we go inside the temple of Robotville, we got detain and thrown into jail. We have to serve a sentence of 2 days because we trespassed and if we do it again, we have to fall into the volcano and get eaten by a robot alligator. They served us nails and clippers for breakfast, 3D Hamburgers and hot soup, and paper that tastes like candy. It was not bad, but instead of water for a shower, it was a dry blower, drying our skin without water. After 2 days of jail, we were permanently banned from the Temple of Robotville, but they did not know we stole the robot because I hope they did not have cameras.

“Hey, Tail. What should we name this damn robot? He needs a name now or I am going to break this chair in half!!!”

“Why are you mad all the time? It is just a robot and naming him cannot be that hard. Let’s name him Denny.”

“Why the heck the robot would be named Denny? It does not make any sense and since I can retaliate to that, I would name the robot Darth.”

“That is a good name, but what if we combine it together? The name would be Darth Denny.”

“Okay, not bad at all. Let’s name him Darth Denny.”

As they look at the ground, it has turned into lava because there was a recent volcano. The roads are messed up, but what you did not know about Tail is he was born with superpowers. He can really save the world eventually. He has turned lava into a green liquid. He stores all the green liquid and uses it to build new inventions like the self-controlled car, gadgets, and virtual reality because the technology has been gone. He has built a lot of self-care, the roads are so unbreakable, so the roads are never to be damaged. He has encountered death, but he has never died because he is immortal. With the mechanical hands, he can really do anything.

“Yo Tail. I got a letter from the Temple of Robotville. It says that they looked at the cameras, and they saw us take the robot with us and never bringing it back. They will find us and kill us with capital punishment. This is a blow to me. I have lived on this planet for 8 years and I can be killed?!”

“Our initial plan is to figure out how this robot works because I do not think this robot can act like humans. Anyone can be human, but not this robot because it is nothing but technology.”

The robot suddenly turned on by itself and then grabbed Tail from a far distance.

“Why do you think I can’t be or act like human?! I am controlled to be a human robot because I had intercourse with women. If you say I am not human again, I will beat you up and throw you hard against the wall, and you will be sent to capital punishment.

“Okay, Darth Denny. I am sorry I said you are not human. You told me you had intercourse with women, so I am deeply sorry.”

“Wait a minute. Did Darth Denny say he had intercourse with women  How can robots can have intercourse with women?

“Are you judging I am not human Tin?”

“Hey, how do you know my damn name?!”

“I listened to everything you guys said, and I have a microphone, so I can record what you said.

“And how do you know about the capital punishment idea?”

“They called me, but they found themselves a powerful robot. I think I am being replaced.”

The robot is shedding tears, but Tail has a plan.

“Instead of waiting for them to look for us, why not look for them instead? Do you have any gadgets, Darth Denny?”

“Yes, I do Tail.”

Now, let’s do this!!”

As they tried to find a way to cross the bridge because there is none, Darth Denny pulls out his wings and he flew them across the bridge. They are almost at the Temple of Robotville, but they found a spaceship with an astronaut inside. The astronaut is dead and there is blood on his hands. Tail used his heal effect to cure the astronaut and the astronaut is alive again. It appears the astronaut is Arnold. We were shocked it was him because what was he doing riding in a spaceship. We were talking to Arnold, and he has an explanation.

“The Temple of Robotville found out I went to your house, and try to figure out if the robot was a boy or a girl. They put me on capital punishment and I was dead until you healed me. How do you have those powers?”

“Yeah Tail. How do you have your superpowers? You never told me that, and I thought you were supposed to tell me everything that happens, so you are not being a great best friend to me! You get me?!”

“I’m sorry Tin. If you would have known, I would have figured you would want those superpowers, but I got them when I was born, so you can’t have them.”

“Oh come on!! I can get superpowers as well. So Ronald, do you know how I can get superpowers?”

“To get superpowers, you need to let Tail electrocute you and if you get injured, rest and heal, but if you don’t, you will die, and Tail can heal you, but it only works if you survived the first time, so do you want to do this?”

“Oh hell yeah! Let’s do this Tail!!”

The robot guards shot Tin with lasers and he falls down to the ground. Emperor Sega captured them. He assumes Tin is dead, so he lets him lye on the ground and waits for the volcano to erupt, so the lava can touch him, and he will disappear for good.

Emperor Sega locks Tail and Ronald into chains and orders the robot guards to pick up an ax and give it to him. Then they get locked inside the circle thing, and it looks like no one can save them because Tin is dead, and they are about to have their heads chopped off. Since Emperor Sega noticed Tail has a robot head, he decided to pick a robot ax that can kill robots. When Emperor Sega was about to kill them, Tin came out of nowhere and uses his force to steal the ax. He survived the incident. The lasers are electricity, so Tin did get electrocuted.

“Are you chairs all right?”

“We are fine.”

Darth Denny is convincing the other robots to kill Emperor Sega because he is controlling them, and they can be free. The robots were persuaded, and Emperor Sega was flying away with a rocket, but Tin took him with his force and slammed him to the wall. Emperor Sega was beaten, and the robots ran very fast to say their last words to Emperor Sega, which was, “Don’t lie again.” Emperor Sega was shot with lasers, and he was broken into pieces.

“So, what happens to the Temple of Robotville, Tail?”

“I do not know what is going to happen to it, but let me show you a secret of how I was born with superpowers.”

“If it’s awesome then tell me!!”

“You know there is lava out there?”


“Well, with virtual reality, this is green liquid, not lava. When I use virtual reality, this is the real world. Everything you see clearly is not really the real world. The robots use virtual reality and everyone else as well, except for you. So, do you want to see how virtual reality works?”

“Yes, Tail”

At the end of the day, the real world is inside virtual reality.

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