One Wish | Teen Ink

One Wish

February 18, 2009
By AlexaLexi PLATINUM, Mattawan, Michigan
AlexaLexi PLATINUM, Mattawan, Michigan
36 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Candy candy candy is all Jenni cared about, she was going to be Hannah Montana for Halloween but instead got the best surprise a 7 year old could ask for.

It's 2 weeks before Halloween and Jenni Aldin wants to be Hannah Montana. She goes to school everyday as if she was what is classified as a “normal” girl. 2 things hold Jenni back, her mom dieing at child birth 5 years earlier and that fact that Jenni has Cerebral Palsy. Cerebral Palsy makes people shake and stutter a lot so it is harder to focus on school, so she has a special aid to help her in school and is supported to go to college if she chooses to. (snapshot) Her father is a widowed man and can barely afford rent, he hasn't been able to give his children Christmas presents for that past 3 years because he works in a factory 9 miles away. But other than that they are a “normal” family. Her father has been saving for a HUGE Christmas present for each of them but instead of Christmas he will give hers to her for Halloween, that present is to meet and spend a day with Hannah Montana.

It's Halloween night and the doorbell rings, “Jenni you get it!” he dad yells. She opens the door to find her idol dressed in head to toe glamour of beads that glisten in the moonlight and hair that just flows through the air, her shoes are gold go go boots and bracelets and rings well they were another story! They were gleaming in the doorstep lights and shining with rhinestones. Her hair had blonde highlights and gold bow that sparkled everytime she turned around. (snapshot)
“Your,Your,Your......” she stuttered.
“Yes Hannah I know.” she giggled.
Whoa I can't believe Hannah Montana is standing at my doorstep thought Jenni, (thoughtshot)

The night goes on and the girls giggle and laugh as they go door to door trick or treating all night long. They come back and Hannah Montana invites her whole family to her concert with backstage passes and V.I.P. treatment!

They are at the concert and the lights are gleaming, the colors are beautiful. Dancers are reheresing and cages are being tested for Hannah's grand entrance. The guitars are being shined and stages being checked to make sure Hannah doesn't fall again like she did during her Maine concert. Hannah was in a corner practicing her song she wrote last night dedicated to Jenni. (expanded moment) Jenni had no idea that she was going to dedicate it to her. When Hannah dedicated it to her Jenni thought, this is the beset night of my life and I never want it to end! (thoughtshot)

Jenni was so happy and when they went to t he V.I.P. seats and sat down, Jenni had never felt so good and free to be her in so long, well since her mom died.

After the concert Jenni walked up to Hannah and Hannah gave her a scarf that she had worn up on stage.

“Here I want you to have this, then everytime you wear it you can think of me!” she stated.

“W..whoa thanks!!” Jenni cried. “I don't think anyone has every been so nice to me!”

“Well just think of it as a gift.” Hannah exclaimed.

So Hannah had done another good deed and yet again another little girl was satisfied!

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