The boy across the room | Teen Ink

The boy across the room

October 26, 2017
By Jadeth BRONZE, Fly , Other
Jadeth BRONZE, Fly , Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The boy across the room

Mysterious. First word that came to my exploding thoughts about the boy across the ballroom. He sure had a smile that could start a fire in your heart. My date already ditched me to go with his guy friends….. girls, you know how this goes. So, I was already having THE worst night of my life. Until, I looked over and saw him. He was swift with his movement, and he was sure the ladies man. I quickly snapped out of my daze when I realized he was staring right back at me. I received a heart melting smirk, and he received a bright red face that quickly turned around breaking the stare down. I was telling my friends about the heartbreaker that I saw, and you know when you tell your friends not to look all at once, but they do it anyway. YUP my friends always did that. I put my head down and stared at my feet because it seems to me that my feet will make everything go away….NOT. “Ella, he’s walking this way!!!!!” said my best friends Addison, and Hazel. My heart was running a million miles a beat. I thought maybe if I didn’t look back he would walk away. I felt this friendly hand upon my shoulder and my first reaction was to turn around, and so I turned around to see bright green eyes shining down on me and a smirk that my heart melted for. “Hi, my name is Ryder”. Great, now I have to speak. “Hi, uhh my name is Ella”. I could feel the red hot flames come quickly and viciously onto my chubby cheeks. My friends being the friends they are they crimed in and said “we will leave you two lovebirds alone”. I was screaming at them with my eyes. They walked away, while my cheeks became profoundly red. Ryder knew I was nervous and tried to lighten up the mood. He asked if I wanted to go for a walk. When we walked out of the building it was a bit chilly, without question he put his coat around my shoulders. I gave him a small smile and kept walking, praying I didn’t fall on my face with my heels on. We hit it off, once I became comfortable around him I could talk to him about anything and everything. *Fast Forward to the future*. Today is my wedding day and I cannot be more excited about marrying Ryder. I guess love at first sight is real.

The author's comments:

I inspire to be a romance novelist one day and I wanted to give my young generation and look at what my writing is like. 

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