Trust | Teen Ink


May 14, 2017
By timmyfloss BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
timmyfloss BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Trust. A small word, admittedly. But this small word can pack a huge punch. And it did.
She gave him her heart. She trusted him. She loved him. She loved him. With all of her heart. She trusted him with her heart. But trust can be broken.
And that’s what he did. He took her heart and shattered it. He took her trust and broke it. He took her love and abused it. He took advantage of her love. Of her. He scarred her. She was broken.
Many people in life believe they are broken. They’re shattered. They can never get put back together. But they forget about the super glue. The bond that holds them together again. But without them, they just fall back apart.
He was her super glue. She had been broken before, by them. He brought her heart back to her. He put her back together, piece by piece. Slowly but surely, he glued her back together. She was happy. Laughing. Smiling. Her eyes were bright, her smile real. Her laughs. Like little bells, jingling in the crisp white snow. He was the one who held her tight through all that; the one holding her together.
But he was one of them. She gave him all her trust. And what did he do with it? He broke it. But before he could do that, he took her heart as well. And after beating her trust, he shattered his heart.
The pain she felt was nothing like anything she has ever experienced. But that wasn’t even the worst part. He took her love. Stole it from her. Took advantage of it. Hurt her in the worst way possible. Mentally. He splintered her heart, and shattered her soul. But this time, she didn’t have super glue to pull herself together. Every night, she cried herself to sleep. Every morning, she put on a mask of makeup to cover her tear stained face. A fake smile to cover her swollen lips. A long sweater to cover her arms, her wrists. Baggy leggings to cover her legs, the ones he called fat.
She began to starve herself. So he would see her as beautiful. Her once bright and cheery eyes were full of pain. The look she had on her face. She wanted to tell everyone her story, but was afraid.
She shook. From lack of food. From lack of love. Her grades dropped. She didn’t care. She was starving herself to death. All because of him. She slowly regained strength. Stopped crying herself to sleep. Started showing off her body. Baby steps. Almost there. Soon enough, she was back to being her. All smiles, glowing eyes, a shimmering soul.
She realized. Finally. Fake love isn’t what makes you happy. Your friends are. They will always be there for you. In your worst times, in your best times. You will always be there for them. You are their super glue, they are your super glue. They are your friends. You guys will always be there for each other, just as they were there for her. So appreciate your friends and the love they give you, before you give up on them and they leave you. Because no one can ever love you as much as they do.
Fights, arguments, yelling. Nothing can tear you apart. Every fight brings you closer together. Arguments help you see their opinion. Yelling makes you stronger. Your friends are your super glue. Don’t ever let them go.

The author's comments:

*Sorry for bad grammar in story*
But uhh, so basically the guy I liked broke my heart, (not really but it still hurt) and I had this great idea to write this story, especially since my friends helped me get through it and realize there's way more to life than guys and teenage love. So, huge thanks to my friends!! <3

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on May. 23 2017 at 9:40 am
Breezette DIAMOND, Uniontown, Arkansas
84 articles 0 photos 58 comments

Favorite Quote:
Every Time I even think of you, all those bad memories just fade away, 'cause your smile's enough, you're enough...

That is amazing