Torn Up | Teen Ink

Torn Up

May 20, 2016
By giselareynaa BRONZE, Austin, Texas
giselareynaa BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Noah started crushing on Lucia. They had met through Noah’s sister that Lucia was friends with.She wasn’t like other girls. she is sweet, caring and respectful towards people. One time in Sea Shell High School they met each other for the first time Noah thought Lucia was beautiful. They went on and had a laugh and ate. They went on adventures together like going to visit the mermaids. They kept sending letters, and the next time they saw each other, noah was sure he was going to ask her to be his girlfriend.
They hung out like any other day and when Lucia was about to leave noah stopped her and asked, “Do you want to be my girlfriend?”
Lucia was in shock with a surprised look on her face. She said yes! Noah gave her a kiss on the cheek. The problem was that noah was known as a ‘’player’’ in the past he even admits it but will the right girl change his ways? Lucia really likes him because he makes her laugh and who doesn’t love a man who makes you laugh? It was like any other relationship.
A huge storm came through and they were not able to send letters for about a week. Everyone was repairing all the damages that were made. They went back to talking in the 2nd week of their relationship. Lucia was getting out of her house and was taken by surprise. When she sees Noah she gives him a big bear hug. Noah always had this big smile on his face whenever he sees her. From their they go to a park nearby Lucia’s house and hang out that’s where they had their first kiss ever. She had just ate so she tasted like oranges. They would meet there everyday before school because at school they can’t really see each other because lucia is focused on her school work at all times. Noah understood that. Noah went through a struggle every morning just to see her. Lucia felt bad because she feels like is her fault but he tells her is his choice to come.
On the day they made a month they seen each other. They always go through ups and downs but what relationship doesn’t go through that everything is not perfect or like a fairy tail. One time lucia went over to his house for the first time she was nervous she met noah’s dad and brother and they got along pretty well. She was there for almost 3 hours with him it was nice for her to hang out with him other than the park. She had to make an excuse and lie to her mom saying she is going to a friends house.
  Noah got in trouble with the king of the island for being a person who gets in trouble a lot he just got a warning but knowing the way he is he got mad and left back to where he originally came from. Lucia was down about it how can he just leave without even thinking about her? He was leaving her behind in the island she tried to understand but he put himself in that situation. Lucia told noah to think about his actions first and how it is going to affect the people around him and the people he loves. Don’t be so selfish and just think about yourself. They had to send letters for about 2 weeks they had planned to go to the beach and noah had said yes but kept changing his mind to go somewhere lucia just made other plans to go to a party with her cousin , then noah said are you still going to the beach i’m going to go because we hardly even see each other. Lucia told him is too late you had told to me no so i just made other plans you needed to say yes earlier. Lucia was down about it. This wouldn’t of happened if he wouldn’t of messed up. Does that ever happen to you? You don’t say things to avoid an argument. She sees the good through all the bad. They’re both really loyal and they show each other off. Lucia always thinks that she wants everything to go back to how it used to be.
Lucia and her best friend went out to a wedding in the island they were having fun. Noah had told lucia that he might come back if he doesn’t have a mission, in the letter it said i’m sorry i can’t go back they called me in i know you were hoping for me to go back don’t get sad and enjoy your day. But how can lucia not get sad? She sent him back a letter about how she felt about her hopes of them being together again. Noah called her through the phone because he has been thinking about lucia and said alright i need to tell you something my love. Lucia asked what is it? Noah said i wanted to make this a surprise but i can’t stand to see you sad another minute. The reason i told you that is so you can think i’m not going back when i actually am i’m going back in two days i wanted to show up at your house. Lucia was most likely the happiest person in the island she screamed of joy! The love of her life was coming back.
The day came she was standing outside of her house and she’s seen noah from a distance. They ran to each other and gave a big hug talked about everything that’s been going on. They been seeing each other every day now they couldn’t of been any better. Noah still sends her letters but these just talk about his feelings towards her making lucia always smile she re reads them every day. Noah is thinking about getting her a promise ring whenever they make a year because this is not just any other relationship they have gone through so many things and they’re still together. All of this couldn’t of happened without effort. That’s why if you want something to change go for it! Show that special person how much you care because they might not know it treat them like the queen they are. You can work out anything if you just put your mind to it. Noah is now going to meet lucia’s mom for the first time. Noah didn’t even want to go back but he taught about her and stopped being so stubborn.
Something amazing came out of his decision now he stays out of trouble, works, and dedicates his time to his girlfriend. They went out for five more years and are now married and have two kids. Live in a two floor beach house. Lived happily ever after.

The author's comments:

I hope people will appreciate what they have before it's to late

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