Snow White and Rose Red | Teen Ink

Snow White and Rose Red

May 20, 2016
By Natasha_Dugger GOLD, Siren, Wisconsin
Natasha_Dugger GOLD, Siren, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The best way to spread christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear." -Buddy The Elf

Ever since I was old enough to imagine, you were there with me. I couldn’t see you, and you couldn’t see me... But you were there. I heard your voice, felt your touch. We could see the world, but never each other. For there was a force stronger than man keeping us apart, and there was nothing either of us could do to break the barrier. You were alone; and somehow, I found you. We found each other. I was one, and you were two. I was three, and you were four.
We were never apart, two hearts and one soul. But as I grew older, I soon realized that others weren’t noticing you like I was. They couldn’t hear you, or feel your touch. You were the one person I could really talk to... but you had to leave. Why did you have to leave? You were hurting, I could feel your pain. I guess you didn’t want to hurt me anymore. You were my sister, but you were being torn apart. Limb by limb, piece by piece. I called you Rose Red, you called me Snow White. Everyone thought I was crazy, that I spent too much time by myself, that I needed to get out more. They didn’t know you were there, they couldn’t see you.
I may have been a sheltered person, but I was never alone. At least not until now. You were a part of me that I will never forget. All the laughs we shared as I trudged through the mud on my way to school everyday, All the songs you sang to me when I was sad. It was really hard growing up here, I could barely see the sky there were so many trees, and it rained. It rained and never stopped. But I always had you. I can still remember when you told me you had to go. My eyes filled with tears as I ran to the creek, the only place I could really be alone. I stayed there for days, the pain was unbearable and was killing me, slowly, painfully. The loneliness was exhausting. It was starving me.
One morning I can remember waking up in a small, wooden building. There was a boy sitting on a pile of newspapers. He said his name was Sloane and that he would take care of me. For as long as I can remember I stayed with him. He nursed me back to health and got me back on my feet. But I never left him. He had this spell on me, just like Rose did before she left me. He was an only child, no brothers or sisters. Although he did talk about his parents a lot...they were incredibly close, until the reaping. About five years ago a terrible sickness came to our village and killed every adult, every parent, everyone a child depended on, gone.
I could feel his loneliness. His heart yearned to be loved, the way he was once loved before. I tried my best to comfort him, as he tried to comfort me, but something seemed missing. I’ve been with him for a hundred years, when I look at him I see my life, my future, my past. He is the love of my life, and one day he’ll leave me too. Just like my parents, just like Rose... and when that day comes, I’ll be gone too.

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