Fairy Tale | Teen Ink

Fairy Tale

May 15, 2015
By Anonymous

Their once was a handsome prince; he was fairest of them all. Than one day a mean old witch tried taking it all away from him. He said oh h--- no and fought back with all his power and might. He defeated the old hag and saved himself and the kingdom. Even more good news that day was that their was a lonely princess looking to be saved from her tower. The handsome prince saved the princess by slaying the dragon and putting the princess over his shoulder like a sack of flower. He took her back to his castle and they lived happily ever after. THE END

The author's comments:

I hope that when people read this story that they get out of it that good things can happen. Fairy tales can be true but in a different forms. oh and your prince charming is out their some where dont give up. 

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