Young Love to Last a Lifetime | Teen Ink

Young Love to Last a Lifetime

April 15, 2015
By irish917 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
irish917 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The future lies in the beauty of our dreams.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Senior year was coming to an abrupt close. Four years had led up to graduation and finally possessing the privilege of calling myself a senior. In just 39 days, we would be out of high school forever, most of us never looking back. High school was definitely a whirl wind. It seemed to go just as quickly as it came. It was filled with friendships, fun, and many memories. I remember freshman year like it was yesterday – beginning high school, meeting my best friends, and being at the bottom of the totem pole. Now, I am getting fitted for my cap and gown.  So much has happened and so much has changed. We always remained strong and unbroken though.

I thought that I was the last person who would be in a relationship especially one that survives all throughout high school. Isn’t it funny how the one thing you thought would never happen, of course, happens to you? My friends always describe me as the logical, independent, and intelligent one. Those usually aren’t the people who have a grand love story to tell, but here goes mine.

We were just hanging out on Friday night after a long week of projects, National Honor Society meetings, final Prom Committee meetings (I made him join with me), and grueling sports practices ready to relax for the night. This was one of the last weekends we would have together before we graduate. Summer would bring a whole new line-up of things to do: grad parties, family gatherings, and preparing to go away for school. And then I thought back to how it all began. We started out going to a dance the beginning of freshman year because I desperately needed a date to Christmas dance (strictly platonic). We were such close friends right off the bat. Everyone told us “You guys would make the cutest couple” which of course made me turn bright red in the face; but we were both hesitant because we didn’t want to ruin a friendship that we knew would last forever. Our friendship allowed us to talk about anything and everything no matter how weird or random it was. That is one of the many things I loved about it; I didn’t need a filter when I was around him because I was always free to speak my mind.

As the year went on, our friend group was dominated by couples. I remember him saying to me, “I guess we’re next because we’re the only ones left,” with his coy, witty smile. I didn’t really think much of it. I liked things how they were; I was never this close with someone so quickly. This would usually freak me out, but being with him was exhilarating and fun.
Freshman year was coming to a close, and the spring dance to celebrate the end of the year was approaching. We had planned to go together in a group of friends (definitely not a date). It was Wednesday, and all of my friends seemed to be acting weird. He was avoiding me. When the end of the day finally came, I was left all alone. I figured I was just being weird myself and decided to catch up with everyone tomorrow. The day had seemed to drag on, and something about it just felt off. I definitely needed to go home and relax. Surely, everything would go back to normal tomorrow (at least that’s what I kept telling myself).

I walked downstairs to the lobby where I usually waited for my mom to pick me up when school got out (perks of being a freshman and having to get driven everywhere by my mom). I turned the corner with my books and jacket in hand when I saw the spectacle. There he was waiting for me with flowers, balloons, and even a giant cookie cake. Then he managed to squeeze the words out from his big smile, “Will you please go to Spring Fling with me?” He even managed to be polite when he asked me this, yet another thing I loved about him.
I was immediately embarrassed because he knew how much I hated being the center of attention, but he did it anyway. Suddenly, I didn’t care. I dropped everything and ran up to hug him. “I hate that you did this, but I love that you did it all for me. Yes!” I told him there in front of everyone. Then, of course, I gave a not so friendly shrug for doing this in front of everyone and putting me on the spot.

When I think of all of the good things, I think of him. This was more than just puppy love and a meaningless relationship. This was meant to be and neither of us was denying it any longer. This prompted even more teasing from our friend group now that we had attained ‘couple status,’ but I didn’t mind. He would always bring up the other embarrassing stories that he had in his arsenal about our friends. This doesn’t seem like a big deal, but it was to me. He knew how much I hated being in the limelight, so he always made sure that I was as comfortable as possible – an act of true love.

That was the beginning of our love story. What started out as going together to a dance has matured into 3 years of much more than puppy love. We love spending time with each other but also enjoy our time alone. We agree on most things but have no problem letting each other if we don’t. We are so alike and yet completely different at the same time. These are the things that make us good for each other. This is way more than thinking that he was cute (but of course he is). It isn’t the high school love; it is a genuine relationship that each of us sees a future for. Starting out with the basis of friendship ensured that our romantic relationship would be so much more than a fling. I always love thinking about how we started dating; it provides me with a sense of calm that makes me forget about how everything would change in the next few short months. I return back to reality as he suddenly asks, “Want anymore popcorn, babe?” And I replied with my smile that he told me he loved so much, “You know me so well.”

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece as a fiction project. I am not typically a fiction writer, but I really challenged myself to write a realistic, fictional piece that I am proud of. I hope that you enjoy it!

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