A crusie into love | Teen Ink

A crusie into love

May 27, 2014
By zanman_95 BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
zanman_95 BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a sticky, humid afternoon in the southern state of Louisiana and Luther, a grey haired African American man. He was newly retired and poured himself a glass of delicious, sweet iced tea and enjoyed the sunset on his porch. See Luther had been a lonely old soul ever since his saint of a wife, Alberta had passed away last September. He loved Alberta with every fiber of his being, the two had been married for 43 years. The only son they had produced, Reggie left after High School, away to Nebraska to play football, and barely spoke to any family. Especially not Luther. The two always seemed to bump heads over the little things.

Yes it was only Luther and his old Beagle Roofus. With Alberta he had found him one summer down at the old pond, the week prior to Reggie’s tenth birthday. Roofus was a pup back in those days, his eyes gleamed with excitement,wonder, from the internal engine that gave him what seemed like endless energy. His face would become a beacon of joy with unconditional love and happiness whenever a family member would return home, particularly when he would hear the front screen door’s wooden frame crack when Reggie came home from school. Now old Roofus with his tired eyes, aged grey coat , and face that now sagged much like drapes that hung from a wall spent most of his days resting on the porch with Luther daising off. Even Though Roofus wasn't as spunky as he used to he was a good dog, a loyal one, and that was all the family had ever wanted from the pooch.

Luther finished up his glass yawned and went inside to settle down for the night.

“Come on old boy time to hit the hay.” Luther groaned.

The old dog followed him into the aged yellow house with white trim to lay down for the night.

The next day Luther woke up in the middle of his king sized bed that at times seemed to be a sea of silky beige sheets topped with the golden threads of his comforter. When the bed was made it covered his heavenly soft memory foam pillows that lay at the top side of the mattress. He wiped away his clump of eye boogers, rubbed his eyes for a moment and slowly lugged out of bed into the bathroom. He filled up a glass of water half full and took his “horse pills.” Alberta and him had always joked about the immense size of his pills that he had to take because of his arthritis. He stepped into the shower and turned the clear knob with a slight rust tint to it, and proceeded to bask in the warmth of the beams of steamy water that bled from the shower head.

After about 5 minutes Luther was dressed and out the door, he started up his’ 02 ford ranger that was a darker shade of green that could easily be mistaken for a black in the wrong sunlight. He was headed to the park near the old cigar factory that he had worked at since he was twenty. Awaiting him there was a retirement barbeque, and his surprise, a present that he had earned for all the years he put in at the factory. As he pulled up to the front of the park a long plastic banner reading “Congratulations Luth” was hanging in front of the gazebo where his work colleagues were cooking up some southern barbeque classics. Upon stepping out of the truck Luther’s nose was instantly crammed with delightful aroma of smoked brisket and sweet homemade honey BBQ sauce.

“Hey you old fart, hurry up before Greg eats all the meat!” His old buddy Carl shouted followed by a mixture of a chuckle and smoker cough. Carl had always loved a nice smoke whether it be a cigarette or one of the many “free” cigars that came home with him every night. Luther on the other hand didn't care for them too well at all. Maybe it was because he had worked with them his whole life, over time gaining a hatred for the things.

“How ya doing? ” Luther asked Carl as the two did a quick hug slash pat on the back that most older men do when greeting a close friend.

“A lot better now we finally get to eat!” Carl responded.

The barbeque was a hit and everyone that Luther had worked with showed up to celebrate his retirement. One by one everyone had stood up and shared their fond memories they experienced together. Then it came time for Carl’s speech.

“Well Luth, its time for you to leave the old factory and go plant your old butt in the sand somewhere in Mexico and sip on margaritas. But seriously Luth we all love ya and were gonna miss you, ya know I still remember the time you, Reggie and I all went fishing and we didn't catch a damn thing, and then little Reggie caught that giant catfish but we told our wives it was mine. Haha, well I propose a toast to Luther, you're the man.”

The afternoon went on to evening and it was time for Luther to head home. He left with a red paper plate and an array of the scrumptious food from the day, and an envelope that he had been told not to open until he arrived home. Feeling anxious about what was inside the envelope Luther rushed home in his truck going five over, which was big for Luther since he always went the speed limit to a T. Walking up the stairs Luther was welcomed by the deep bellow of Roofus saying that he knew his master was home. Luther sat down to open the envelope in his favorite spot in the house, his big cozy lazy boy chair that was in the corner of the living room. As the adhesive from the envelope peeled off the secret within revealed itself to be a ticket for a cruise.

A single senior citizen cruise to be exact. The ticket read, “Caribbean cruise for the baby boomers, Ship sets sail July 6th!” Which was only two weeks away. Luther looked at the ticket with a puzzled look and doubt.

He thought to himself “I don't wanna be around no crazy old folks that ain’t got nothing better to do than lay around and drink.” He was a little upset that he had been given this after all the years he worked, an old person cruise. Now feeling disappointed, Luther turned on the tv and returned to the old routine.

A week passed by and Luther still had not thought about the cruise, he spent most of his time now fiddling with the miniscule sized yard he had been planting flowers in. Red roses, just like the ones Alberta used to grow. They were her favorite flower of them all, planting them was one more way Luther could cling on to the warming memories of his beloved wife. It would sadden him more when he would reach the small cement stone that was molded into a heart that had their names sculpted into it. It seemed now that he did not have work anymore Luther had done nothing but miss his wife. though soon enough that would change.

The next day while Luther was in his backyard he heard the sound of the gravel shifting in his driveway meaning it had to be someone pulling up in the front of the house. He took off the garden gloves and headed around the house to the stained wooden fence gate. It was Carlin his glossy red Chevelle with an electrifying white racing stripe. Luther was shocked to see him here, Carl usually calls before hand. They shook hands and went inside.

“Luther we need to talk.” Carl said with a serious tone.

“I refuse to go on the stinking cruise! ” exclaimed Luther.

“Look Luther I am your best friend and I'm going to straight tell you this, you are wasting whatever of what's left of your life.” Carl responded.

“I dont wanna do nothing no more you hear?” Said Luther.

“Luth, you know Alberta would hate to see you like this, wasting your life away missing her. Its ok to miss her just move on its depressing to see a person I care about like this.” Carl said with the sound of sadness in his voice.

Carl stayed over late that day with Luther, drinking and talking and finally convinced the old soul to get off his butt and explore his newborn freedom. Luther didn't have much that he had to go get from the store for the trip except a new pair of flip flops and some food for extra snacks. Now with intent in his heart Luther was determined to have fun on his vacation that he earned.

It was the night before the big day and Luther and old roofus were heading to bed a bit early on the starry night. The sleek black digital clock that was on the top of his night stand read 8:45. He took off his shorts and was left in his white tank top and blue striped boxers, the heat that night caused Luther to sleep in less attire that night and he soon passed out. It was 4:30 am and Luther was awoken by the familiar sounds of a woman's voice coming from the back yard. He went to investigate.

Once outside Luther was shocked and dropped to his knees, to his surprise Alberta’s spirit was outside singing a lullaby she had often sang to Reggie.

She came to him and grasped the side of his face gently and Whispered to him “Luther, baby I am so proud of you getting yourself out there and exploring who you are now, I know you must miss me like the dickens, but it was my time, and like the seasons Luther people must pass.” Luther was speechless. He reached out to her and could feel the smooth wrinkled texture of her face and he begun to weep. “Don't cry Luther I will always be with you in your heart.” Then she leaned forward and kissed him for one last time on the forehead. Luther became so overwhelmed that he passed out.

The author's comments:
This is an unfinished piece of work it will eventually be a novel but for the time being its just this.

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