the wrath of oberon | Teen Ink

the wrath of oberon

February 20, 2014
By Anonymous

Once upon a time there was a girl named Tatiana and she was the queen of a kingdom along with her husband Oberon. She is the most fairest of the all she has black hair, blue eyes, very pale, short, and she is pregnant. When she found out she was pregnant she went up to her room and she packed a bag. She ran away because she didn’t want to let her husband know because he would put her out on her own with the child because he didn’t want children.

Two days later Oberon came home and found out his wife left him and he started screaming at the maids “Why did you let my wife leave!?!?” and he started throwing stuff around and broke a window and some furniture.

About nine months later Tatiana had a beautiful white haired, pale, blue eyed baby girl and she named her Laylana Mae. By the time she had the baby Oberon had a new wife and was over Tatiana or so he had thought. When the baby girl was about three months old she went back to the castle with her daughter, and apologized to Oberon for leaving and said she didn’t know what to do because she was pregnant and didn’t want to get kicked out with the child and he hit her across the face.

She screamed and said “I knew you were going to do this i will just leave and never come back you inconsiderate prick.”

He apologized “ I’m sorry for hitting you and i wouldn’t have made you leave if you were pregnant unless it wasn’t my child and you cheated on me but you didn’t now did you?”

“I’m sorry for leaving can you forgive me?” Tatiana apologized.

“Yes I can forgive you but I am remarried and i can’t have you living in our castle unless you are a maid my darling.”
“I guess if thats what i have to do but what about Laylana?”
“She can stay too but be careful around my wife.”
“Thank you Oberon.”
He then brought her to a room that he had set aside and put her in there with their baby. She then made her self at home again and asked him if he could get the baby a crib.
He then went out and got a crib and when he came back and put in her room before his wife got back from shopping and he told her to start cleaning before his wife saw her. She complied and did was she was told.
She worked there for many many years before the queen started getting ill with an uncurable disease. Then after his new queen died Tatiana went back to her place as queen with Oberon at her side and their beautiful daughter Laylana.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 26 2014 at 3:19 pm
Tghermione19 SILVER, Normal Hieghts, California
5 articles 0 photos 24 comments
Perfectly written. It really touchs your heart