The Story about the Taco | Teen Ink

The Story about the Taco

December 4, 2013
By oragutanlover BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
oragutanlover BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment


Once upon a time, there was a taco asleep. He woke up and decided to start a new day. Every morning, he would have pepper and hot sauce for breakfast. He would also have a side soda to kick start his day. He works at Taco Bell where he fills the needs of men and women that walk in the door. He gets eaten every day and magically appears back in Taco Bell from the customers stomachs. That’s why Taco Bell never runs out of food. After work, Taco went home to feed his pet, Nacho, food. He watched Taco baseball to see if his team was doing well. His favorite was the Taco Bay Rays. After he saw that they won, he forgot something. He ignored it and went to bed.

When Taco woke up the next morning and he heard sirens that were they were surrounding the whole city. Taco was wondering what happened so he turned on to Good Moring Tacos. Sadly, there it was. Someone has blown up to his beloved Taco Bell. Taco ran as fast as he could to his beloved Taco Bell. He was devastated, seeing the Taco Bell in pieces.
His boss wrapped his onion around him and said, “I don’t know what happened but someone had to broke in and put a bomb in the restaurant.” After he said that, the feeling Taco had before going to bed was right. He forgot to lock the restaurant when they closed.
“Now,” said the boss, “you have to look for a new Taco Bell because this one is done.”
Tacos ran home after that and never looked back to the Taco Bell because he knew if he did he would go back and stay there the whole night.
Taco woke up the next morning and begging to find out who blew up the Taco Bell. He went on a search to find the guy who blew up his Taco Bell. He was running through the streets when he fell through a hole. When he got down there was pictures of Taco Bells and plans on how to bomb them. At that moment, Taco knew he found the bad guys layer.
He looked over to see who it was. It was Big Mac; Taco wondered why he would do that though. He went to get a closer look but he stepped on a tortilla chip. Big Mac instantly turned around and shot him with his cheesy gun. He got nailed and it took him to the wall.
The cheese stuck to wall and Big Mac yelled, “Why would you break in to my layer!”
“Why are you destroying Taco Bell?’’ replied Taco.
“Well let me tell you why. Ever since Taco Bell came out with Doritos Locos Tacos, no one is coming to McDonalds anymore. But with me and my side kick French Frye, we will rule the fast food world.”
French Frye didn’t seem so excited about that. He seemed like he didn’t like Big Mac.
“I also have another citizen,” said Big Mac “bring her out French Frye.”
When they pulled her out it was Frita Burrito, Taco’s childhood sweetheart.
“Will you marry me?”
“Yes, I will.”
“All right,” said Big Mac “blow them up. Start the countdown.”
But before he could start counting French Frye put hot sauce on Big Mac and he melted. The cops came and saw the whole thing.
“Son,’ said the one of the cops “you’re going to be famous.”
“What about me?” said Frita “You have to choose between me or fame?”
Taco had a long time to think but he finally said “Both.”
But the cop didn’t like that and neither did Frita so they got married instead and Taco was lonely for the rest of his life.

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