Say What.? | Teen Ink

Say What.?

August 3, 2013
By Anonymous

I'm trying to forget I ever met him. Trying to forget the way he made me laugh. His picture as my back ground. His voice my favorite sound. If every mile is a memory, I've been around the world, a couple hundred times. If everyday I'm little stronger, then it's not enough to notice
Everyday I miss you. Every time my phone rings, I check for you. You left me all confused. Its an end that not an end. An unclear dead end. I don't know where we stand, but I know its not together. If there is a story of us then the end is a cliff hanger, and I'm halfway down.
Our conversations still pop in my head, I'm ashamed to admit I still read our old text. My friends are tired of hearing about you. My family never even knew.
We were over before we began, you left the pieces and I'm on my own to clean the beautiful mess.
I'm following this broken road away from what we were building, bobbing my head with each step, to tired to keep it up.
There is no love to feel tonight, I'm in brokenheartsville all alone. I miss the way you smiled, the way you made me smile. I miss laughing so hard my chest hurt. Telling you everything. If every rose has its thorn, I found yours.
And I'm working on forgetting, so for now on whenever I hear your name I'll just look and say "Say what.?"

The author's comments:
I made references to songs all throughout. Mostly country

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This article has 1 comment.

Herewego GOLD said...
on Aug. 21 2013 at 11:03 pm
Herewego GOLD, Molino, Florida
10 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
It is our duty as men and women to proceed as though the limits of our abilities do not exist.
~ Pierre Teilhard De Chardin

I'm not sure why this says posted by "Anonymous", if I clicked that I didn't mean to. It's by me, Herewego.