Always a Bridesmaid Never the Bride | Teen Ink

Always a Bridesmaid Never the Bride

December 16, 2012
By Anonymous

Once upon a time there was a girl named, Milee. She came from a family of nine girls and she was the youngest of them all. Always receiving the hand-me-downs and always being compared to her sisters her life wasn’t exactly a walk in the park. Although all of these things were easy to forget about, there was one thing that will haunt her forever. She is 25 and always a bridesmaid never the bride. In her closet she has eight bridesmaid dresses which she will never shorten and wear again, she hides them away because they are a constant reminder of her single life.

On January 15th she took a chance and brought out one of her eight dresses, headed to the tailor on 8th street and had about 6 inches removed from the dress. Tonight was a night she had been looking forward to. With wishful thinking she went back to her house to start getting ready. Giving her plenty of time she started at six and her date was to arrive at seven. She sat and waited as 7 o’clock rolled around and there was still no knock at the door. Once the clock struck eight she gave up on her no show and headed over to her sister’s house, where they were having a family dinner.

“Looks like someone is all dressed up with nowhere to go,” said her oldest sister as she walked in the room.

“He probably went running with his tail between his legs when he saw her!” shouted another.

“Come on now, no need to be rude to Milee,” said her mother, “come here dear, what happened?”

“Nothing happened, he didn’t even show, I just came over here so I wouldn’t have to cook for myself,” Milee replied.

“I heard that he found a girl from the office, but don’t shoot me, I’m just the messenger,” said her older sister, “I’m sorry this happened.”

“Oh cry me a river,” cried another sister.

“That which doesn’t kill me makes me stronger,” replied Milee, thankful that her oldest sister and her mother were always there for her and never harsh.

About 3 months later from this day, Milee finally thought she had found what she was looking for. On April 15th she went on her first date with Ryan, and from that day on they couldn’t get enough of each other. It was love at first site and Milee was finally happy.

“I think he’s the one,” Milee said to her sisters at lunch.

“Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched,” said one of her sisters.

“Oh come on now, stop it I’m very happy for you Milee,” said her mother.

After a year of dating, Ryan decided he needed to make sure Milee was in his life forever; he took her to their favorite spot and asked her to marry him. Without a doubt Milee said yes and couldn’t be happier. Now it was time to start planning the wedding!

“Think outside the box,” said her older sister, “make it unique!”

“But remember, money doesn’t grow on trees!” shouted her father.

Four months later Milee and Ryan said their vows and committed to each other forever. That day was the day their lives started and they would live happily ever after.

“You’re the apple of my eye;” Ryan reminded Milee, “don’t ever forget it.
And that’s the way the cookie crumbles. After all this time, Milee was able to find love at its greatest. Now she has joined her sisters in happiness and hopefully will never again be treated the way she was.

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