Love is Friendship on Fire | Teen Ink

Love is Friendship on Fire

November 15, 2012
By northgirl0222 GOLD, North Attleboro, Massachusetts
northgirl0222 GOLD, North Attleboro, Massachusetts
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"in order to write about life, first you must live it"

As a young girl, Kim, was brought up in a rich household with everything a little girl could wish for…except friends. No one was allowed inside the house because her parents were worried about a revolt and Kim was not allowed outside for fear someone would kidnap her for a ransom. So Kim grew up alone. Well, when Kim was finally old enough for college she begged her parents to let her go away to somewhere no one knew her. She promised them she would be safe within the school so her parents let her go.
Kim arrived at Harvard and immediately began talking to everyone. She was curious and everyone was curious about her. They had heard talk of royalty from England coming to school and figured Kim was her…they were right. People treated her no differently then the other students though because that’s what her parents had insisted they do. So Kim had a normal first few days of school.
On her sixth day of school she was sitting in science when a young man walked in. The teacher introduced him as Trevor and told him to sit next to Kim. At first glance Trevor was the kind of kid most people would consider a nerd and never talk to but Kim didn’t know this so they began talking. Not only about science but everything they could think of. After class Trevor asked if Kim would go get coffee with him…to work on their homework together. Well since Kim had never been out she had also never been on a date. She was confused when Trevor tried to hold her hand but she let him. She liked him so they began spending all their time together.
It was the fifth week of school, which meant only one thing…parent’s week. Kim knew her parents wouldn’t be coming so she sat in her room while all the other kids ran around trying to find their parents. There was a knock on her door and she opened it to find Trevor standing in the doorway alone. Kim wondered where his parents were but knew that he would tell her eventually. As the pair sat in her room watching everyone else run around wildly Kim wondered if she would ever meet Trevor’s parents. It was an even crazier idea but she wondered if he would ever meet her parents.
The rest of the year was spent in a whirl of memories with Trevor that Kim would remember forever. On the last day of school Trevor told her that he really liked her and hoped they would stay friends. Kim was crushed for she had fallen in love over the past year but she told him she felt the same way. Even if he had loved her it wouldn’t have worked for her parents would never have allowed it. She watched as Trevor walked away from her. He looked like a sad puppy but she figured that was because he was leaving school for the whole summer.
When Kim got home to England she immediately went to tell her parents about her new friend and her year abroad. As she walked into their library she found them sitting with a young man. They said he was Prince Edward and he had come to marry her. Kim refused, she had three more years of school then she would marry, but her parents had final say. Kim was to marry the prince in a month. That night Kim wrote a letter to Trevor. She still didn’t tell him she was a princess but she did tell him about Edward and his proposal. When Trevor finally wrote back he told her to run away and inside the envelope was enough money to get to America and the address to his house. Kim knew it was her only chance so she began planning her escape. Two weeks before her wedding she escaped into the night without anyone’s knowledge.
She had made it to America and was standing outside Trevor’s house. Kim knew if she knocked on the door there was no going back but she also knew she didn’t want to go back. When she was finally able to knock the door was opened by a woman who looked a lot like Trevor. Kim introduced herself as Trevor came running down the stairs and embraced her so tight she thought he would never let go…which wasn’t a problem for her. Trevor’s mother immediately made arrangements for Kim to stay with them. Even if Trevor denied he loved Kim, his mother still saw in Kim’s eyes that she loved Trevor. The next few weeks it was like being back in school, the two were inseparable. They never talked about Kim’s engagement or her running away.
Kim had been staying with Trevor for three weeks when there was a knock on the door and her mother and father came walking in with the royal guard. Kim knew she had to go home and she also knew Trevor would hate her for not telling him who she was. As her parents led her out the door she looked back to see Trevor racing after her. She couldn’t watch so she turned around and walked right into Edward. Trevor finally caught up asking for an explanation. Edward was the one to give it to him. He told Trevor that he was the Prince of Spain and that Kim was the Princess of England. They were to be married last week but thanks to him kidnapping her they would have to wait another month. That’s when Kim realized why the royal guard was there…they were going to arrest Trevor for kidnapping her! She turned to her parents and explained everything…he was her friend from college, she didn’t want to marry Edward so she had run away to him. She promised if they let Trevor stay that she would marry Edward and never talk of coming back to America again. Her parents liked the idea but Trevor didn’t. He grabbed Kim and kissed her in front of everyone. Kim had waited a year for that kiss but it didn’t mean anything…he was just trying to save her from marrying someone she hated. As Kim was led to the car by her parents and Edward, Trevor walked back to his house. He refused to even talk to his mother for a whole month.
He knew it was the day before Kim’s wedding day and he knew he loved her and he knew he could do nothing about it. As Trevor walked out into the backyard he began thinking of all the memories he had of Kim. She had never acted like a princess, she had just been a regular girl…that’s when he realized that’s all she’d wanted. To be a regular girl and with him she could’ve been but she had chosen that pompous prince instead. He had been so deep in thought he didn’t hear his mother come up behind him. She handed him a letter. It was an invite to Kim’s wedding. It wasn’t a royal version it was one Kim had handwritten just for him. He knew he had to go to know her marriage was real so he would stop wishing she’d come back. As he got on the plane to England he knew she loved him and he should have told her that he felt the same way.
Kim was pacing in her chambers. The wedding should have started twenty minutes before but there was a security problem. Someone was trying to come in without an invite and they were very persistent. When Kim asked her parents who it was they wouldn’t tell her and that’s how she knew it was Trevor. He had actually come for her! She ran down the stairs and told the guards to let him in. Trevor had never seen her look so beautiful as she did in her wedding gown. He told Kim he had come to support his best friend and watched as she broke down inside. He couldn’t tell her he loved her and ruin her life…could he? But maybe it wouldn’t ruin her life. So for the second time he grabbed her and kissed her. The only difference this time…she kissed back. He knew that he had made the right choice in coming for her. Kim told him to wait for her and she would come find him.
As Kim walked into the church she knew in her heart she was doing the right thing. She walked over to her parents and told them how she felt. She loved Trevor and always would; she refused to marry Edward, and instead was going home to America to marry Trevor. Her parents knew she meant it so they kicked out Edward and his family. They told her to go get Trevor since there was no use wasting a perfect wedding. As she walked down the aisle, she was so happy it was Trevor there waiting for her instead of Edward. Kim’s parents decided they liked Trevor so they let him and Kim stay in England. Two months later when Kim’s parents died they became king and queen.
Nine months later England had an heir to the throne, a little baby boy who they named, Edward…

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