Falling | Teen Ink


May 15, 2012
By boondogglecrazy54321 BRONZE, Layton, Utah
boondogglecrazy54321 BRONZE, Layton, Utah
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I take a deep breath to steady myself. My shoes, torn from days of travel, hang partially over the edge. The sea, dark and angry, looms below me; I rise up on my tiptoes and jump. I twist in the air trying to claw my way back to the cliff side, but there is no way back. There is only a dark long tunnel, no escape. I hit the sea and I am dragged under, roughly. I can’t breathe, and then my head breaks the surface.

“Jane?” his voice breaks my trance...

“Yes!” I tell him. He slips a ring on my finger and I marvel at it. His question was the cliff my indecision the sea, my longing was what brought my fall, but my decision is what saved

The author's comments:
I hope people will understand how some decisions can make you feel like your falling and untill you can come up with the awnser you can't breathe.

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