The Rain | Teen Ink

The Rain

February 3, 2012
By DragonRider1231 SILVER, Potosi, Missouri
DragonRider1231 SILVER, Potosi, Missouri
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is an adventure, have fun.

Each drop makes me even more sadden than normal. The thick clouds that linger overhead as I walked, intending to make the depths of my depression worse. I left the house without an umbrella because I had not thought it would be raining. My jacket was soaking wet but I did not feel cold. In the deepest parts of my mind, was empty without thought. I walked down the street and no one was in sight.

The rain came down harder and the lingering clouds darkened. There was no lightning or thunder, just the pitter-patter of the rain hitting the asphalt. I kept on walking and walking. There was nothing else to do but walk.

I stopped at a small park to rest my feet. As I sat down, I felt a presence behind me. I did not bother to look behind me because I knew he was there. I knew he would come to find me but how did he know I was here.

“Here. You are going to get sick,” he said draping his coat over me. I looked up and we stared into each others eyes. We sat there in a frozen, timeless rain.

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