Pass the Message! | Teen Ink

Pass the Message!

May 12, 2011
By Prerna BRONZE, KORBa, Other
Prerna BRONZE, KORBa, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Ofcourse i love you..till i find someone better!

Dont trust someone who say trust you...they dont.

There was not one bit of enthusiasm in me to go to school that day. I felt extremely nauseated just to wonder about the mathematical sums and history we were going to do today in school.But, there was some voice telling me to go to school, especially that day.

It was very strange. My heart was instructing me things my mind did not want to do. I was stuck between "Shall i or not?". But an unknown power was making me do all the things.

When I reached school with my bored face, everyone appeared very delightful to me."Till yesterday everyone was disgusted like me? What now?".

I sat on my desk, and everyone stared at me. "What???"

"Nothing."- The class giggled and they started murmuring.
"Have I dressed strangely?" - I wondered. But no, I was perfectly fine.

I sat in the desk, narrowing my eyes towards everyone, to see everyone's actions. Everyone was narrowing eyes at me, and whispering.
"What the h*ll is the matter?"
"Check your desk."

I was stunned. Alright! So something is in my desk that is making these people stare at me?!"

I slowly put hands inside the desk, and there came out a small piece of paper.

"Near Locker 501, Whenever you see this note."

There was no signature.

"Who has done this?" - I was p*ssed. I asked Natalie, my best friend, my soul-sister. We were devoted towards each other. We could have died for each other. But right now, she was p*ssing me off.

"We are not allowed to say. You ought to find it out yourself."

" Are you people framing some prank?"

"No,swear to God, not that. Just do what the chit says!"

"You people know that the chit says something? This is horrible!"

"No, we were just told to tell you to do what the chit says."- said Natalie.

I had no choice, but to go. 10 minutes were still left for the first bell to ring.

I reached Locker 501.
I found no one before.

"Bloody Prankst..."

"Oho-ho! Hold on! Here I am."

I turned back.

Ricky Rogers. My and Natalie's crush since 7th grade

"Why did you call me here?"

"I wanted to confess something!"

"Ya- say!"

"Before that,Could you just read out this paper?"

He handed out a paper.
"Yeah, sure!"

You are cute,
You are intelligent,
You are everything I am looking out for.
You are the lady of my dreams.
I want you to be mine.
I know, a little hard it seems.
But baby, I love you a lot!
Will you be, my sweet heart?"

"Wow, that is nice."

"Yeah, now the confession."

I was waiting for that moment. And I had kept my answer ready.

" Can you just pass this message to Natalie? I am very scared to confess directly to her so all this fuss....

The author's comments:
Real experience with my friend.

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This article has 4 comments.

Anuranjani said...
on Jun. 5 2011 at 12:34 pm

Wow, is the word for this piece! More, More, More!! I guess this says it all!! :)


Shival said...
on Jun. 3 2011 at 8:01 am
Awesome. You're a really promising and talented writer.

Akriti said...
on Jun. 3 2011 at 1:05 am

just loved it dear!!!

1st it appeared to me the same old story in which boy confesses his love for girl but jst then the last line changed everything... seriously loved the twist...

on Jun. 1 2011 at 1:06 am
booklover104 BRONZE, Stockton, California
4 articles 0 photos 54 comments

Favorite Quote:
I have a couple of quotes i like... \"Success is not a doorway it\'s a staircase\"
2. \"Everything happens for a reason\"
3.\"Your worth consists in what you are and not in what you have\"-Thomas Edison

first thing that came to my mind, OMG that is ironic....i loved the twist..