Angelic Wings | Teen Ink

Angelic Wings

December 29, 2010
By Miss_Elise GOLD, Farmington, Minnesota
Miss_Elise GOLD, Farmington, Minnesota
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A demon in Angelic clothes is still a demon at heart. Say something out of the norm, and these people will rip you apart. A broken mirror is all that’s left, to remind me not to start. You see it happened years ago, when we were all still young. It was your siren song that I fell for when it was sung. My heart and mind are still racing, though I’m on society’s bottom rung. You looked like an angel in my eyes, you let my spirit rise, and it was one of the most amazing natural highs. But then you plunged me into the depths of hell. It was then when I knew all was not well. I knew, for you, I had fell. Love is a strange thing. It can make you cry or make you sing. Some love is connected with a kiss and ring. And some people believe there is no such thing. You are my joy, my soul’s one mate. You are one person I truly hate. My heart cries out for you in the middle of the night. I wake up, still in love with you, in the morning light. Innocence is not key, when it is just you and me, and it is that, they do not see. It is not he and I, it is we. We are one, together and whole. And when we die, it’ll be that hole, where we are buried together, we shall rest forever. And this is all I know.

The author's comments:
What once was a broken love, is now whole again...but when it was broken, it was painful...i had to write about him

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