Apple Across the Universe(not yet finished) | Teen Ink

Apple Across the Universe(not yet finished)

November 9, 2010
By HoneyMomo GOLD, Oakdale, California
HoneyMomo GOLD, Oakdale, California
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Memory is the single way the experience can be captured and taken."

Walking slowly I stepped in the squares following the path the squares made,sighing,contemplating on this decision and just not so long ago I was by myself,just all me Judi Apple.Thinking nothing would change,now words are spilling out and I'm left to more thinking than i think my brain can take.Daydreams of future laughter and endless happiness float around like bubbles in my mind,but something tugs at my heart to make a decision before it slips away.

Just as fast as it appeared it can leave just the same.The lean,tall,green eyed man who looks clean cut,innocent,logical like a forest fairy,with that lavish accent or the man with the hair awild and tussled,carefree,a tan so dark that he looks like wet sand but smells like the sea water,with those blue eyes to match.The green eyed man who treats me to elegant dinners as surprises or the man who would have a picnic with me at the beach.

The author's comments:
From a song i heard about how she had everything then lost it all.This short story is the oppisite.telling of like how the explosion of the universe,Judi Apple(main character) had nothing but then out of nowhere she gets things and can not handle it.

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