Dear Katrina | Teen Ink

Dear Katrina

October 11, 2010
By Anonymous

Dear Katrina,

I really wish you were here in Dublin, Ireland with me, I love it here. The fresh air, the nice cool sea breeze, and the people are just so nice. But very superstitious, a couple of people I met said if I write to you today I’m going to receive some bad news, but I don’t know what could be worse then having to be away from you, I’ll be back before Halloween, okay? I miss you! See you soon.



Dear Ryan,

I actually do have some bad news, my dad had a heart attack during brunch a few days ago so I might be out of touch for a while. I need to be by my dads side for now I’m sorry, oh and another thing, I don’t think we could work out… it breaks my heart to write it but, its just not meant to be. I hope you understand.



Dear Katrina,

Why do you think that since I’m hear in Dublin, we can’t be together? I mean we’ve been friends for like the longest time in the world, I… I just don’t understand it. It just doesn’t make sense, your dad has a heart attack, that means we cant be together? Please answer me that at least.



Dear Ryan,

The reason why I said that is because… because my dad is going through something horrible right now, he might not live. I just don’t want to worry about our realationship and my dad and school work all at the same time, you just don’t get it because your parents are perfect. Now do you understand?



Dear Katrina,

Your right, I have no clue what your going thorugh but why can’t I help you with it. I mean isn’t that what people do? I guess I can kind of under stand your pain and suffering, just don’t be so secretive and bottled up. Is there anyway I can help? At all?



Dear Ryan,

Ryan I’m sorry no theres no way you can help now, he’s gone, we the doctor said we were too late. I’m moving away from Denver going somewhere else, don’t come look for me, because I’m already gone.



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