His Green Eyes | Teen Ink

His Green Eyes

October 5, 2010
By Anonymous

Each note vibrated every molecule of my being, each thud intrigued me even further, and each beat melted me a little bit more.

It was the way he played that made me want to dance, the way he created such rhythmic melodies that made me want to smile, and the way he caught me looking at him that made me want to love him.

When the cadence was over and everyone continued on socializing while our fail of a football team continued to suck, I remained motionless. I talked to one of my friends about topics that were time consuming enough to create conversation, but boring enough to cause me to keep looking back at him.

He talked with his friends. His friends whom I was jealous of, because they got the privilege of being around him.

I watched him. Everything he did made me fall further into this trance. What was it about him that made me feel like this? His green eyes and the way they drooped on the outside corners? His smile and the way it lit up his whole face? Or his personality, and the way it made him who he was?

Again we got set for a cadence, and I continued to steal glances at him, and he would catch me. The non-mutual chemistry of those times when he would catch me made my heart flutter.

And as the cadence ended, she walked over, grabbed his hand, and they kissed.

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