Chocolate Kisses | Teen Ink

Chocolate Kisses

May 8, 2010
By ONeill2011 BRONZE, Marcellus, Michigan
ONeill2011 BRONZE, Marcellus, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life's a risk so why don't you just take it??

Having my hershey kiss brown eyes be melted by your touch is just so unbelievable. But yet being with you makes my worries and fears go away. This feeling is so unbelievable. I keep wanting that feeling more and more. It's like an addiction that I can't help but to keep feeding it what it wants the most. Just seeing you sends a warm feeling through my whole body. Which in return puts a smile on my face. When you look my direction I get butterflies in my stomach that don't seem to go away for a long time. I can't resist any of these feelings. You make me so happy and I feel fuzzy inside. When I'm with you I'm in a completely different world. I feel so special and complete. I take more risks and I don't stop to think about what I did or what I am going to do. Nothing can change the way I feel about you, even if you do something stupid, break up with me, or even just want to be with a different girl to fulfill your happiness. You will always have a place in my heart

The author's comments:
An ex-boyfriend inspired me to write this piece. Some of what is in it is true other things were my imagination.

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