Heart and Soul | Teen Ink

Heart and Soul

May 8, 2010
By catgrrl BRONZE, Encinitas, California
catgrrl BRONZE, Encinitas, California
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Blake: I thought you knew that I loved you. That I cared more than just best friends. I sorta hope now you didn't know, because if you knew and just went out and dated him anyways...well, it would hurt. A lot.
But you were a perfect couple. At least, that's what everyone said. He was Mr. Football Star and you were the pretty gymnast. You were obviously meant to be together. And you were perfect together- it was true.
You were funny and sweet and just a little bit fiery. You hid all your pain from him and his crowd. He didn’t know about your mom or tenth grade. He didn’t know what your favorite color was or the fact that you hated flowers.
At least, that’s what I told myself. Maybe he did know everything and I was just trying to keep a little bit of you to myself.
Jackson: I knew there was more to you than just silly jokes and a good time. After all, I saw you crying in his arms that one time. Were you afraid to come to me? I would have comforted you. I could have been the one holding you together when it looked like your world was going to fall down.
Blake: You took all your triumphs and held them to him on a platter. You took all your sadness and gave it to me. I didn’t mind too much. I was your rock, your anchor holding you to Earth.
Jackson: It started slow, like you were finally starting to trust me with little problems. Like what Lyn and Josh said behind your back, but that you heard all the same. Or what happened with your nasty math tutor. And that your mom was kind of sick. I figured out that you did love me, just didn’t say it in so many words. You gave me your heart, but you kept your soul safe with him.
You can live with a broken heart.
You can’t live with a shattered soul.
Blake: Your mom’s condition started going down hill at the end of senior year. You should have been having the happiest time of your life but you weren’t. Your mom was in the hospital all the time. And I realized that you hadn’t come to me in a long time for comfort. I guess you had him now.
Jackson: You told me all at once how sick your mom was. And you cried into my shirt when you told me how she might have only a month to live. I wanted to tell you that I was sorry, that someone like you shouldn’t have to deal with all this. I knew that sorry wasn’t enough.
Blake: He was the first one you went to when you found out that your mom had a single month left. You didn’t tell me. It slipped out when my mom was talking to me. She thought I knew. She thought you would have told me. And I realized I was a rock weighing you down to Earth, but not one that steadied you. All I did was prevent you from flying free.
Jackson: You and he stopped hanging out. You spent most of your time with me or in the hospital, watching your mom’s life seep away. Do you know what the sad thing is? That I was happy; happy because I could be with you. I was jealous of him at first you see. What girl has a guy best friend? But he wasn’t really around anymore.

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This article has 5 comments.

catgrrl BRONZE said...
on May. 21 2010 at 8:16 pm
catgrrl BRONZE, Encinitas, California
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments
Kay. So did you like the character and the story or what?

ckenz said...
on May. 21 2010 at 3:52 pm
Actually, it wasn't as if I didn't like it, it was more like when I stopped reading it, I felt empty. It was just sad.

on May. 21 2010 at 2:27 pm
TheSummoningFreak PLATINUM, Lugoff, South Carolina
41 articles 0 photos 122 comments

Favorite Quote:
if you can never let yourself fall you'll never know what it's like to love

i love this, it's sad but i loved it

catgrrl BRONZE said...
on May. 20 2010 at 9:20 pm
catgrrl BRONZE, Encinitas, California
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments
Okay, thanks for reading. Sorry you didn't like it, I'll try to do something more cheerful and uplifting next time.

ckenz said...
on May. 20 2010 at 12:05 pm
this was kind of depressing.