The Demon and the Author | Teen Ink

The Demon and the Author

September 20, 2018
By ZanderIsOurKing BRONZE, Auburn, New York
ZanderIsOurKing BRONZE, Auburn, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I Solemnly Swear I Am Up To No Good... Mischief Managed" -The Mauraders Map

The Red-Haired Russian Demon older than the most powerful vampire himself. Amnesia took him by the thread of one his hairs and danced with him until he was forgotten by a family he once had and shipped overseas to a new destination. The paintings once beautiful now smeared by anger and frustration out of love and jealousy throughout many eras of time and history. While his princess never came, his author in shining armor showed up in a drunken bliss. The Knight wanted nothing to do with the demon so their game of tag began. Anywhere the Author went the Demon would follow slowly and carefully. While he’d never hurt the Author, He would annoy him to the extent of no return by trying to figure out the new technology of the era. When the author wasn’t content the game would continue. Town by Town, Country by Country the game of tag always continued. The author being swept into a burning fire of alcoholism and depression to the point his words he was writing and the stories he was telling were starting to merge together into a blur. The once vibrant stories were a thing of the past only to be welcomed by broken memories which seemed like an old friend of his but, the game of tag continued until the demon saw how badly the author was suffering. The new words of his memoir were coming true like a children’s fantasy the demon using artwork to paint over the words to rewrite his life into anew. The game of tag came to an end and things were calm for a while. The Russian demon would continue to be curious over the newest and latest inventions from putting cigarettes that were once used when he didn’t know what else to do with his immortal body into the garbage disposal to taking apart piece by piece a microwave just to see how it functions. The author went back to his antics of running away but this time it was to the demons hierarchy searching for answers in the misguided depths of a society he thought he knew everything about when in reality he knew nothing. The only difference in this game of tag was that the demon wasn’t playing, He was in a timeout, not just from chasing but from the author wanting to be chased and him not wanting to run anymore but, it continued. The demon and the author just weren’t aware until they ended up finding the other centuries later and were finally ready to put this stupid game aside and to let the actual game begin. This time the game wasn’t running and chasing it was more like looking out for the other and keeping each other happy in this game no one was a loser, everyone was winning because, While they were once just a demon and an author to one another, they now are Armand and Daniel to each other and while both were happy but, neither would admit to it.

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by the vampire chronicles. While technically not a fanfiction because, there is no dialogue and that was not my intent. This piece was meant to show a moderately abusive relationship in simplier terms for people to understand by using a on and off relationship and this also shows people what addiction is like and overall is meant to show people a terrible topic in easier terms so that way people can understand.

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