Lost in the Waves | Teen Ink

Lost in the Waves

May 12, 2018
By Paranormal_Preferences BRONZE, EL PASO, Texas
Paranormal_Preferences BRONZE, EL PASO, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

*the edits were all intentional


The class was so boring I need something more interesting. Remembering an old episode I mentally watched. I felt safe yet alone but not for long.
Uhhh this episode again you’ve seen it so many times!
Hey calm down I’ll miss the best part!
No more (and I turned off the TV)
Dude what the hell!! I was watching that!
Dude calm down if you get too heated you’ll make him swear for no good reason and embarrass him
Look blue I’m tired of you always using your words and treating me like crap and never listen to what I say
Oh says you red if I didn’t keep you in check you would never stop like mom say-
This isn’t about mom this about you taking action like the parent you’re not!
Red keep it down or else I’ll make you Ss-top
Bro don’t even start, I know the minute I try and throw hands you’ll run like the weak coward you are!
Rr-ed RED! cease your fist! I’m out of here.
Yeah bro I’m out of here!
Where are you going? We’re part of his imagination!
All I know is I’m headed away and tired of your shit!
I’m done! I mean maybe I should go back… (And what let blue boss us around tell us to “caL-m down you’ll burst and embarrass us in class.”)
(I started to fade away) (While grunting and coughing) I guess I’m being forgotten… at least I’ll die knowing I died my way, not under Blue’s crap

Sigh well back to work. Operating him I started to get work done for once.
Running him was difficult since he handled all the interactions and I was the work ethic now red was gone…
Hey Max, you doing okay?
I-I Guess? Why do you ask?
It’s just that it’s like this “fire” you had is gone.
L-look I really have to work we can settle it later.

I’m not mad, I’m not mad (slams) this is crap Max is not the outgoing kid anymore. Meanwhile, red will be back God knows when!
(20 years later)
Today will be better… than the crapiest day of my life!
What’s wrong dude you have become unrecognizable to what I remember!
Because people are imperfect, I have anxiety and I refuse to trust in anyone because I’ll be disappointed!
I’m done you’re on your own!
The fuck why?
Why!? Cause every-day since we’ve been married for 18 years all you ever did was be this toxic rain cloud all while I try to be this sunshine raining on my parade and I’m done!
Shit I didn’t mean to be so rude (then I thought) my mind was behind it all. Yelling at myself “Hey you’re doing a crap job! Get a better attitude!”
No Max I’M DONE I have been working alone in your brain for 20 years now and if you can’t appreciate how much I’m doing then you can eat shit, I’m done trying to help you!
Hey come back blu… what was I talking about? Why am I here? I don’t know what happened but Surly someone should know!

  Max would go to the streets and get attacked, eventually killed by gang members and later diagnosed with mental issues. Unfortunately his funeral had no one show up the wife. Janice would go on to tell the life of max, and start an organization (PAMD) Protect and Assist Mental Disorders! So was the tale of Max and to be lost in the waves that was a stream of consciousness.

The author's comments:

That when I'm bored I talk with myself and there are all these personas and under a single vessel they work and sometimes fear that one would take over and become a shell of what I once was.

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