My Room | Teen Ink

My Room

April 29, 2018
By destiny.johson2019 BRONZE, Violet, Louisiana
destiny.johson2019 BRONZE, Violet, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I let out a deep breath of relaxation as I progressed through the framing of the door. I glanced at the neatly organized closet that rested to the right of me and ran my fingers along the various fabrics: cotton, wool, silk, leather. It was stuffed beyond capacity as if it were the mall on a weekend. I dropped my bags onto the hardwood floor that was relieved of previous clutter. My toes shivered as they swept across the freezing, midnight wooden floor. Making my way to the polished cherry wood desk across the room, I got a whiff of the cinnamon-apple febreze that was capsuled in my teal-colored sheet that rested on my bed. I collapsed in the rolling chair and admired my heaven. Every inch of the sheets was perfectly folded and creased to snug the body of the bed. The bed spread, which was softer than the sound of a mother’s soothing voice, laid on top, while its fluffiness swallowed the mattress whole. The perfectly balanced color scheme – teal, gold, gray, and white – supported the relaxation of its guest. Lastly, a mountain of various pillows, all in which fit into the teal-gold theme, topped off the bed like a welcome mat at the front door of a new house. I reclined in the rolling chair and observed the carefully placed gold spots that laid against the white ceiling. The cool air escaping from the vent tickled my skin causing me to hug myself. Eventually, I left out a sigh of relief while accepting my bed’s invitation to crash. Lying on my back, I glanced at my ivory walls, which were decorated with a plentiful of pictures and stickers. Taking it all in, I smiled and closed my eyes, enjoying my place of comfort.

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