BeBeing Kacy’s Blanky | Teen Ink

BeBeing Kacy’s Blanky

March 14, 2018
By slyric073 BRONZE, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
slyric073 BRONZE, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Kacy is especially attached to me this morning. She woke up at six o'clock in the morning and she immediately started biting on my corners, now I’m soaked in saliva. But maybe her mom will wash me, but probably not, when Kacy doesn't have me gets unbelievably fussy. This morning Kacy dragged me down the hall. Sometimes I feel more like a mop than a blanky, I always collecting tons of dust and lint. It really makes me wonder how she even enjoys snuggling with me at night when I'm covered with bits of food, lint balls, and all other nasty objects I collect as she stomps around the house.
I heard Kacy's mom describing all the stuff she has to do today, which really translates to all the places I get to get dragged along. She's going grocery shopping and Matt, Kacy’s older brother, has a soccer game today. I'm overflowing with excitement, said no blanket ever. I hate going out of the house,  public places have even more dirt and germs than home! Shes gonna lay me in the wet grass at the soccer game! And take me to the bathroom in the grocery store! Sometimes I really question if being Kacy’s prized blanky is even worth it will all the grossness I have to endure!
It all started in the car ride to the store. Kacy's mom told her that eating a full pack of chocolate cookies wasn’t an option and I just knew things were not gonna go well. She immediately began to ball, I mean crocodile tears. She began to rub her wet tears all over my grey satin fabric. And blowing her snot filled nose all over me. This went on for a solid 15 minutes until we were in the parking lot of the grocery store and her mom finally gave in and let her eat the cookies. I was happy the whole ordeal was over but I realized the event could get worse. When Kacy's mom went to sit her in the basket and actually had the audacity to lay me down for her to sit on. I mean do you know how many 3-year-olds had probably sat in that same seat. She didn't even bother to use one of the provided wipes to clean off the area!
But that day something odd happened, we walked down isles we don’t usually walk down and Kacy grabbed something like looked like another blanket, but I couldn't be sure from my position under her bottom. As her mom checked out of the store and we got into the car, Kacy's mom threw me down on the car floor. Usually, she puts me on Kacy's lap, but when I gazed up Kacy did in fact have new baby blue quilted blanket that she was clutching tightly. When we arrived at the soccer field, I expected Kacy to grab me as her Mom pulled her out of the car seat but she had seemed to have forgotten me. She took that “other” blanket and played with him at the play structure and sat on top of him to watch the game, and blew her snot in his soft, new fabric. I felt an overwhelming amount of sadness as laid in the car amongst Kacy’s stale cheerios that fell from her car seat as she ate and the pile of books that she liked to flip through but didn’t understand at all.
When Kacy and her mom returned from the game with matt, I expected her to pick me up and snuggle me close but none of that happened. I stayed on the floor of the car the entire ride home. They even forgot me about me once they got home. Kacy had replaced me. I was no longer needed. I guess maybe I shouldn't have complained about all the times she got me dirited and soiled with her own saliva. Oh, how I longed for her to hold me one more time. As night fell and bedtime approached I worried that I might get stuck in the car the entire night. I felt cold without the clutches of her 3-year-old hands grabbing me tightly. Just as I began to lose hope, I heard the garage door open and Kacy's dad yelling and cursing to himself “Stupid blanket, she's three years old! Grow up and sleep without a blanket! It better be in the car because I’m not going anywhere to go get the dumb thing!”. He flung the door open and snatched me from the ground. As he ran to Kacy's bed and laid me on the pillow next to her head, I began to remember just how special it is to be Kacy’s blanky.

The author's comments:

I babysit for a three-year-old and often I have to take her in public and see her drag around her blanky. I was inspired to personify the blanky just because i see how much it goes through and I feel it deserves a voive

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