Today's The Day | Teen Ink

Today's The Day

December 18, 2017
By Alice01 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
Alice01 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The alarm goes off for the fifth time, it’s 7:00 am. Mia is late for school again. She has no energy or desire to get up and go to school. It’s a thursday morning, the sun was shining and the birds were chirping. But in Mia’s eyes it’s a gloomy day. As she is slowly beginning to get out of bed, her door is pushed open. It’s her mom saying, “ Really Mia, your only responsibility in your life is to get yourself to school on time and you can’t even do that?!”. She ignores her moms comment like she always does and begins getting ready for another horrible day at school. She looks at herself in the mirror and thinks to herself, “ why is your nose so big, your acne is taking over your face, no one will ever love you”. Once shes done getting ready she goes off to school.
She gets to the parking lot of school contemplating turning back and going off somewhere else, but decides to face her problems and go to her classes. When she gets inside its the middle of a class change so the hallways are crowded with girls who have overwhelming egos, and boys who chase after them. As Mia walk down to her locker she passes by a group of girls who aren't very friendly. she feels their eyes watching her and hears high pitched giggles, She knows the girls are talking about her. A girl from the group named Abby walks up to Mia. Abby says in a malicious tone, “ Oh look who it is, Pizza face, I haven't seen you in awhile”. All her friends laugh. Mia responds with her head low, “I’ve been busy”. Abby says in a sarcastic tone, “ Well we’re all every excited to have you back”. As the day goes on Mia attends her classes physically but not mentally. Yet nobody notices like always.
Mia gets to the only class that she likes, English. This class was the only place she seemed happy and participated. Her English teacher Mrs. Green is the only person in school that asks her how her day is only. Mia believes she’s the only person that cares for her. Mrs. Green is the only person that knows about her home life and her depression. While the class went by Mia was silent and was looking out the window the whole time. Mrs. Green decided to pull Mia into the hallway and ask her what was wrong. The only thing responded with is, “ Today’s the day”. Although that wasn't the response Mrs. Green was looking for she let it slide for once and let Mia go back into class.
Once the school day was over Mia walked slowly back home while she thought about the things the girls from school have said to her ever since elementary school. Things along the lines of how her parents didn't love her, how ugly she was, and how everything bad that happened was her fault. She thought about her parents divorce. Her dad went off and started a new family and never looked back. Her mom decided to be a businesswoman who never has time to listen or spend time with her daughter. Once she got home she decided to see if her mom would listen to her problems for once and maybe she’ll change her mind about her decision. Mia walks into her moms office saying, “ Mom can we talk?”. Her mom responds with, “Mia I am very busy if you can tell, We can talk later if I have time”. Mia walks away saying under her breath, “ You never have time for me”.
Mia makes her way into her room and sits at her desk with a pen and paper. She starts to write a letter with tears rolling down her cheeks. The letter says, “ I'm writing this letter for you Mom because at this point I will be dead and won’t be able to explain my problems anymore. I'm tired of the girls who bully me and always have something to say, I have never done anything to them to deserve this. I'm tired of always be your last priority in life and honestly believe that this is what you would have wanted. I am no longer a burden to you. I'm tired of feeling like this. Feeling like I'm a waste of space and a waste of a human being. I will never be anything more than an ugly thing that nobody loves…”. Those were some of the words in her letter.
As soon as she's done writing she quickly gets herself together and walks into the bathroom. She goes into the cabinets and gets one of the razors and breaks it apart for the blade. Mia walks back into her room and puts on her best dress. The dress she feels the most beautiful in. She lies in bed again beginning to cry but knows what she's doing is the only solution. She then goes on to slit her wrists as deep as she can. Sooner than she thought her life was gone.
Her mom walks into her saying, “ Ok I’m ready to talk about whatever you want”. To her mom's surprise she sees her daughter, who is barely holding on to what is left of her life. Her mother quickly calls the ambulance and applies pressure to her daughters cuts. Thinking to herself, “where did I go wrong”.

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