My identity | Teen Ink

My identity

November 9, 2017
By the-blondie BRONZE, Grafton, Massachusetts
the-blondie BRONZE, Grafton, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
home is where the heart is

Pressure is one of the main things that get people hurt. Me, well I used to be the person who would pressure people. The worst it’s ever gotten was when I pressured my friend to throw a tomato at a girl that everyone hated. People always excluded her and teased her until she broke.

Truthfully I hated that. Just because she wore glasses, read and didn’t wear makeup like me and the rest of the other girls, didn’t mean we had to treat her like crap on the side of the road. One day I decided to invite to her my birthday party with the rest of the girls.

We found her journal and read out loud to everybody. At touchstone nobody is the outcast everybody is same. I should of told them to stop reading it but I didn’t. The next day she didn’t come in, which ment time for the new girl to be picked on. When she did come in she looked different. She wore makeup and sat with us. And nobody teased her. We picked on the new girl Nora and made her feel stupid. More and more people came and went in the school because of us. We never expected them. In my head I said to myself, those people are unique and they have there own shade. Being known is one thing. But trying to get to the top of the list is another. If you feel like you're an outcast don’t change, because one day people will appreciate you. I appreciate the girl to i teased. She’s my best friend now. But the point is go with your own shade not someone else's.


The author's comments:

This piece affects me in a million different ways. I truely hope that nobody treats anybody the way I used to treat people

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This article has 3 comments.

on Jan. 22 2018 at 11:52 am
the-blondie BRONZE, Grafton, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
home is where the heart is

boiii ur best bestie so u have to say that

on Jan. 22 2018 at 11:51 am
Calista_04 BRONZE, Grafton, Massachusetts
4 articles 0 photos 6 comments
I love how well written this is ^.^

on Jan. 22 2018 at 11:44 am
the-blondie BRONZE, Grafton, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
home is where the heart is

good article \it was very good