Untitled | Teen Ink


March 29, 2009
By SoldierGF BRONZE, Graettinger, Iowa
SoldierGF BRONZE, Graettinger, Iowa
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love me or bite me

My eyes quickly flashed open as the lightning flashed outside my second story window. I looked around almost forgetting I had moved out to my grandparent’s house after the school year was over. Mom was having problems with bills again so I just thought it would be easier on her if she didn’t have to pay for my food. I turned my head slowly to look at the glowing red clock on my table on the right side of my bed. 3 A.M. It never failed that rain woke me up. And it was always in the middle of the night.
My puppy at my feet shuttered against the thunder. Rain pounded hard on my windows. With another loud crash of thunder, I could hear my baby cousin wake up in the next room over. He was staying with us while his parents were off on business of two weeks. His last ear piercing scream got me slowly out of my nice warm bed on to the cold hard oak would floor. I grabbed a sweat shirt off the hook on the door and hurried across the hall before he woke my grandparents up.
“Aw Maxi, what’s the matter?” I picked him up and bounced him lightly humming softly to him as I slowly walked over to the CD player to turn on his favorite lullabies. “Hush now Hun, its ok.” Another crash that I knew woke my grandma up. The 10 month old child in my arms screamed again.

“Gracie baby, go back to bed, I can take care of him. He’s going to be just like you; up with the storm.” Gran walked into the room taking the yelling child from me.”

“I know. That’s what I’m afraid of. I don’t want him to be cursed with the same thing I am. Hopefully I get out of this stormy state soon so I can sleep.” I petted his black hair then walked down the dark stairs to the kitchen to make him a bottle and me some water. Knowing the house my whole life, I was able to find everything I needed without turning on the lights. His bottles were on the third shelf next to the china plates. Formula in the cabinet next to the hidden stair case up to the attic. I could hear his panicked wines calming over the wind and rain.

“You get faster and faster at that every time you make it, baby doll.” My gran said as I handed her the bottle. I smiled and walked out of the room back across the hall. My warm bed welcomed me as I settled back in. I turned on my overhead lamp and pulled out my pink Dell laptop from my oak bed-side table. Eeore already lying in her bed under my table.

“As soon as I opened my computer my music started play louder than I wanted it to so I quickly turned it down. “Good Time” by Allen Jackson started up soon after I opened my MSN. Almost no one from the country was on except my cousin who lived in Main. To him it was almost 6:30.

MusicManStephan says: Wats up baby cuz???

GracieBaby says: Im only 2 years younger that you!!!

MusicManStephan says: Who ever… Haha… Aint it 3:30 there???

GracieBaby says: Yas… Its storming….

MusicManStephan says: Gotcha….. You still gots that sleeping thing don’t ya???

GracieBaby says: Yup yup… Did I tell ya I moved to my Grans???

MusicManStephan says: No… when the hell did this happen???

GracieBaby says: Like 2 weeks ago… Mom was havin money probs again…

MusicManStephan says: Oh that sucks major… yea I moved in with my gf…. We think its time

GracieBaby says: Awwww so sweet…. I dyed my hair last night… I don’t think gran likes it much haha… its purple…

MusicManStephan says: omg baby gracie why???

GracieBaby says: haha cuz I like it… but hey I gots to go… I need to get my job apps done and clean up my room a bit haha

MusicManStephan says: ok hun love ya much good luck

GracieBaby says: haha love ya too… good luck with your gf… cant wait to see yall again…

I shut down my computer with a smile. I always felt good about talking to my cousin. He was always so good to me. I ran my fingers through my freshly dyed hair. My hands were still purple from the hair dye I used. My clock read close to 4:30. I couldn’t believe I had been on the computer that long. My head started to hurt as another bright flash went off outside my window. The thunder was loud enough to shake the house, yet Maxy didn’t wake up, thank god.

My job applicaltions took me a little over an hour. I wasn’t even tired so I pulled out my favorite book and started to read. I had it finished my morning. The storm never let up all day. I didn’t think it would for the next few days. No sleep for a long time. Good luck to me, right?

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