The Crash | Teen Ink

The Crash

November 1, 2017
By Anonymous

The nose of the car went veering right, and-
    I was eleven and it was Christmas time.  Oh, the joys of Christmas as a kid.  Presents, seeing family, and food.  That year, my family and I were on our way to my grandma’s house to celebrate Christmas in upstate New York.  My cousins were also going to be there who I never see.  I was so excited to get there.  Oh, only if we knew what we were in for.
    We left our house at roughly four in the afternoon.  Getting through Massachusetts was a breeze.  No rough traffic, no ice on the road, and It wasn’t quite dark outside.  New York Was a whole different story.  Not much traffic, but it was very hilly the roads twisted and turned.  Combined with the snow and ice on the road, it was a living nightmare. 
    Darkness swooped in slowly and surely.  Nearly all we could see was ahead of us.  Everything to the side of us was pitch black.  In the peripherals of the headlights, though, we were able to make out a few dead trees that were bombarded with snow and the barrier to keep cars from falling off the road.  At roughly six, things began to get worse.
    Little snowflakes began to plummet down rapidly, rendering us nearly blind.  The windshield wipers struggled to get all the snow off the windshield.  Roads got windier and windier.  Slopes got steeper and steeper.  Things were not looking good, and we were only halfway to our destination.  Finally, we reached a straightaway, but in our case, this was a recipe for a disaster.
    Smooth, slick patches of undetectable ice were everywhere.  Every ten feet there was a small patch that would be just enough to ruin a driver’s day.  Getting around it was tough.  For at least three miles we had to dodge and weave over it, which was not an easy task.  We swerved a little bit, but nothing major.  We thought we reached the end of the tough part; sweet, sweet asphalt in sight, but we were incredibly wrong. 
The road was barren.  No sign of humanity in sight, but we just kept going.  My dad floored it on the pedal.  We were flying down the road at around sixty-five miles per hour.  We tried to forget about that ice, but remnants of the memory remained in our heads.  We shouldn’t have tried to block the memories of ice out of our minds because there was one patch right ahead of us to change our lives.
“SKRRRRRT!”  The nose of the car went veering right and we slammed into the barrier.  I could see the back bumper fly off the car as it kept spinning round and round.  If we were to fall off the road, we’d be plummeting down a two hundred foot hill.
Life flashed before my eyes as my dad struggled to get the car back into control.
“Why, why, why, why, why,” I went as the car spun and kept hitting the barriers on both sides of the road.  My sisters, mom, and I were freaking out as my dad stayed calm and collected while he attempted to regain control of the car.
The spinning slowed down after what felt like an eternity.  The car began to stop crashing into the barriers.  We stopped moving.  It was over.  The traumatizing event had reached an end.  We had to stop and take a breather after possibly the scariest moment in my life.  My dad opened the door to the car and went around the car to see the damage that had been dealt.  Nothing too serious; only the rear bumper fell off and there was a dent on the back left of the car.
“Thank gosh,” my dad said, “Everyone alright?”
“Yeah, I think I’m okay,” me and my sisters said in unison.  We were not alright, in fact.  Our minds were scarred with the horrors of that night and we will forever remember what happened.  

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