Unknown mind | Teen Ink

Unknown mind

October 3, 2017
By Kie Burns BRONZE, Malakoff, Texas
Kie Burns BRONZE, Malakoff, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Unknown mind

She was a nice girl.
No one knew or really even liked her. She had these thoughts in her mind that no one cared and no one loved her.
Who is she?
What’s her purpose here?
Everyone tells her she’s ugly, fat, dumb, and may as well kill herself.
Trying not to cry, she’d choke out, “I already tried.”
She loved like no one ever could love another person, but when she moved, no one knew that. She had a laugh that could make a person go weak in the knees, but the people who saw her as less than a person wouldn’t know that either. Her life looked perfect, and to some, it might be.
Since she didn’t have the cool stuff or the good school supplies, bullies picked on her at school. Know one stopped it they just walked by and laughed, sometimes they joined in. No one cared about her.

They didn’t know was she was abused at home. her mom she did drugs and was always drunk she always told her she wasn’t good enough, she was too fat to do anything, she was lazy. Her stepdad, well he hated him. He abused her and her mom and didn’t care. He got drunk all the time and when they told him no or to stop it only got worse he hit harder. he put her and her little brother in the hospital at one point. She didn’t know what to do she had no idea what she did or why he was doing it but she didn’t ask him because she knew it would be bad for her. She got the nerve to ask him why he hated her he told her it’s because she was worthless. She thought he wasn’t good enough for her mom, that’s crazy right, you wouldn’t think she would care about her mom but she does. She try’s to tell her she loves her but her mom doesn’t care. She thinks that if she gets the good grades and cleans the house her mom will love her but she doesn’t. Oh yeah and her dad well he left when she turned 10 said she wasn’t his and that he wasn’t going to be there for her.
When she got bullied at school she tried to tell herself it was okay and just to let it go. She didn’t like to cry there because she knew it would only make it worse.The day she got thrown into the lockers was the same day her mom looked her in the eyes and said “ Maybe you should just go kill yourself you wouldn’t come home every day crying, bloody, or broken.”
That night she had found the perfect way out of her life she was just going to kill herself but some texted her and said “ I’ve seen you at school and I know what you go through I want you to know it doesn’t get easier if you go through it alone I was once like you and I’m here if you need me” she told him it was to late she made up her mind. She was about to do it until he made her think about her brother and her mom, He told her that if she did it there would be no hope for them. He made her make a promise that if she kills herself then he kills himself, it worked both ways. This boy became her best friend,the only one who knows the real her, he became the boy that saved her the boy she will never forget. A month later she called the cops on her step dad and he went to jail for 18 years, her mom went to rehab for a year and a half. She had to take care of her little brother which meant she had to get a job to get food and keep everything running, it was hard but not impossible. Once her mom came back she was all better and learned to love her kids the way a mother should and would always apologize to her. When she turned 18 she moved out and her mom got so mad that she got back on drugs and drank all the time. Her brother moved in with her and the boy she loved and they had a really great life after getting away.

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