Love Don't Cost a Thing | Teen Ink

Love Don't Cost a Thing

April 21, 2017
By Anonymous

 “MOM, why can’t I go there for spring break? I would be visiting family, not going out of the country for vacation.” 

Alex blurted, as he stomped around the corner and out the door for a walk. Alex is a 14 year old teenager being raised by Cassandra, his single mother who always has struggled to provide for her family. On his walk trying to decompress, Alex was just thinking about the fun that he would have and not the amount of difficulty it would put on his mother to pay for the trip. He knew that they had a hard time saving money . On his way back into the house, Alex apologized to his mother and went to his room. His mother Cassandra, was crying because she wants her son to have everything that he wants, but for them it is just impossible to get ahead in the game of life. 

It was Wednesday, so the two were going to church as they do every week. On the way, the ride was silent. You could hear a pin drop, well maybe not with all of the mechanical problems happening with their ancient Honda odyssey.

“Are we going to dinner?” asked Alex.
“Yeah, we are just gonna  eat at the church”, Cassandra replied.
“Ugh this food tastes  gross, where is the salt?”
“SSSHHH, it is healthier without the salt.”

After dinner, Alex went to the youth service on the second floor and Cassandra went to the ladies bible study. In Youth, Alex learned about how to respect their parents and to love everyone. 

After church, his mom decided to spend a little money and buy the two of them ice cream cones. Alex suddenly cried, because his mom showed a level of kindness that he didn’t deserve, after being rude to her. He had to rush home and fly through 6 classes of homework because he knows that the only way he can go to college is through academic scholarships.

Alex decided on go out into the town and apply for jobs because he knew he could save up money to help his mom with bills and possibly spring break.

So, he decided to apply at McDonalds, Winn-Dixie, and Publix. He was so thankful when McDonald’s called a week later asking for a job interview. He was nervous but wanted to be true to himself.

A few months later, Alex was able to save up $ 3,000, enough to pay for the both of them to go on a short three day carnival cruise and to pay 1 Month of bills. His mom was so elated because she had always enjoyed the smell  of the open sea and feel  the saltiness in the air!

“Alex, you saved up that much money? You know that we have a hard time doing things like that. I am so proud of you!”

All Cassandra was talking about Is how beautiful  the ocean was, as she leaned over the balcony to try and touch the ocean, even knowing that she was so far away. Cassandra listened  to the whales blurting and singing songs to the creator. She felt as if it was just her and the whales singing songs and loving nature.

Alex had never seen his mom so happy and relaxed. Seeing her happy made him happy. Little did Alex know that his mom used to spend every weekend with her father fishing out in the Chesapeake bay.

Cassandra cried because she had never had a break like this to enjoy herself.

“Mom, I just want you to know that I love you.”

“Alex, I know. You have done this and have even blessed me in the many ways. I know that it has been hard growing up without a father, but I have always tried and it seems that I have done a pretty good job because you are a wonderful young man. “

“Thank you. I know that you have done so much to provide and that it has not always been easy, but I know that you have worked hard and I love you for that. “

Alex had a hard time growing up without a father figure in his life, but his Uncle Bill began taking him out with his two older sons to do more manly bonding things. Alex learned to fish in the open sea, hunt in the bush lands of Georgia, and go skeet shooting.  Bill became the figure in his life that he needed, and couldn’t help but be thankful for the life that he has.

The author's comments:

it is a family experience about the struggle about a mother and a son that lives a poversh llife. The son does something amazing.

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