The Death of Life | Teen Ink

The Death of Life

March 4, 2017
By ahsanbhatti BRONZE, Islamabad, Other
ahsanbhatti BRONZE, Islamabad, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

His face contorted into anguish as her life reduced to nothing but a flicker of light, fading before his eyes. He couldn’t lose her, not now. Panic-stricken, he ran to his bedroom and began frantically searching for the device that would save her life. The seconds, those final precious moments were ticking away, and he was painfully aware of it. His heart raced, his fingers fumbling through scattered objects in his drawer. Nothing. Furious, he flung her branded bag across the room, where it landed with a resounding thud. His eyes followed the sound, and, miraculously, glimpsed the elusive gadget on the opposite wall. Relieved, he grabbed the black charger and plugged it into his phone. And thus her life was saved.

The author's comments:

People's obsession with their smartphones inspired me to write this piece. I hope people will realise that their obsessive need for their phones is unhealthy.

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