my First Dog | Teen Ink

my First Dog

November 2, 2016
By richardson BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
richardson BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I was 9 years old, my mom was talking about buying me a dog for Christmas ‘’ on my goodness! A dog! ‘’I screamed. The day of Christmas I jump up and seen a dog in my room I was so excited. I went downstairs and says to my mom ‘’thanks mom thanks’’.

Later that day, I hurried up to my room and got dressed to take my new dog to play. I was so excited because ever since I was 4 years old, I always wanted a dog. I had to wait till I got older so I can take care of him on my own.
The next day my mom, dad, and I gave the dog a name. I wanted to name him champs ‘’are you sure you want to name it champs, my dad said. ‘’yes, yes, yes, yes! ‘’ that’s a wonderful name ‘’, mom said.
When I went to my aunt’s house for dinner, my cousins asked ‘’what you get for Christmas?” I said, “I got a dog, clothes, shoes, shocks, etc.’’ I told everybody that I had a dog and I’m older enough to take care of him on my own everyone was proud of me.
While we were waiting on the food all of the kids went outside and played hide and seek and freeze tag. Then a few hours later, we went in the house and ate dinner. While eating we talked about grades and our presents.
That night, my mom, dad and I went back to the house. I fed champs some food, and gave him some water. Then I took him out on a walk before I went to bed.
Two months later, me and champs went outside to play. He somehow got out of his leash and ran into the street. Suddenly a car ran him over. ‘’No, No, No champs come back. The ghost of champs chased his family and he started taunting me, dad, and mom.

The author's comments:

when i first got my dog and how i was so exicted and 2 months later champs pass away .

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