Not Isolated | Teen Ink

Not Isolated

May 2, 2016
By Shadowous GOLD, San Mateo, California
Shadowous GOLD, San Mateo, California
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Fear is not us, Fear lies above us, we want Fear to be to the side or below us, But we have encouragement within us, We want encouragement above us, We want encouragement above us over fear."

(Verse 1) Not Isolated.
People nowadays want to be safe around their guy or girl to create a relationship sometimes it goes well or all it just goes to the drain and now they aren’t what they had became it’s a shame they could’ve seen it coming but i don’t blame them not all of us would’ve expected the worse the least expected was to think you were cursed and the world had just just gone berserk on you but now that you have experienced this you can start to build up and become more resilient and became more stronger and superior than what you were before the past was just a lesson but not a thing to ignore because it’s what helps us get back in life when we’ve learned to recover and not turn on ourselves or become something we not might. In sight it seems to complicated to even happened but in compilation the likelihood of being dumped or not taken in would result in faking in being happen or even mistaken in low self esteem and it’s just something that happens on a daily basis but it’s part of life and apart of many cases.

Breakups are like failing but instead of it being negative it’s trailing you to a better life a better railing for you to follow into some sort of surprise and becoming more or less Sensitive to be honest it’s worth mentioning it’s just a part of life it’s not like a knife took it by Surprise no it’s something you learn from and guide yourself people don’t know how to handle it and seems like they fell and all they feel is tiny like an elf but well that’s what they have in their frame of mind if all they could could just be overreacting it’s not trash it’s like mapping a new way you never saw like with me and Rapping somehow this lighting would just zapping me with new light now it’s a Delight but it’s all about having Self Esteem and being calm and not in Frustration or deep constipation because you’re not alone you’re not Isolated.

                          (Verse 2)
Sometimes it happens and it’s hard to express because it seems the only solution is to put a cap on it and feel depression people usually don’t wanna live this lifestyle they weren’t expecting everything was going fine and now it’s just flying away like a Zeppelin but to them it seems as if it had flipped like a dime and in their head they whine why did this happen to me is it sign it’s just you falling to gravity and now all these people are laughing and not even clapping would help mistakes turn you over to the opposite of who are you weather it be good or dark it’s Hard to control when it’s to blubber about but it’s not about making the other person feel bad that counts it’s just that you’re not taking it well but it’s getting better by the ounce and even though it’s hard to bounce it’s not impossible you can make the recreation and get back on your feet with anticipation and even stronger enough to let nothing get in the way and have it in complete obliteration because if anything you are not alone you are not in isolation.

Breakups are like failing but instead of it being negative it’s trailing you to a better life a better railing for you to follow into some sort of surprise and becoming more or less Sensitive to be honest it’s worth mentioning it’s just a part of life it’s not like a knife took it by Surprise no it’s something you learn from and guide yourself people don’t know how to handle it and seems like they fell and all they feel is tiny like an elf but well that’s what they have in their frame of mind if all they could could just be overreacting it’s not trash it’s like mapping a new way you never saw like with me and Rapping somehow this lighting would just zapping me with new light now it’s a Delight but it’s all about having Self Esteem and being calm and not in Frustration or deep constipation because you’re not alone you’re not Isolated.

                               (Verse 3)
Whoever thinks Thee is alone in the alone whether Thee is a Boy a girl it’s obvious that they haven’t come out of the shades that were their protection and covering they think they are hovering off the Ground nothing to stop them and loneliness is their surround they can’t stand the sound of people doing what they can’t They can’t get a Chance Hope gives them a Slight Glance on what happens if they just take the risk today people are being sick of hiding and not combining with People and Society they don’t see the Variety what they can do or can Become because all these years their Fears is what they’re body has Overrun but enough is enough today you have to take a shot you don’t know what you got if you’re afraid to make a mistake or take a good for the change you can never make your way to your dreams it doesn’t come easily your way. People may bring you down but don’t say you can’t do it it’s bad if you’re losing to people who think they know what’s the fact that energy should motivate you to surpass it’s not about what other people think or what they see. But all about what you think it means.

Breakups are like failing but instead of it being negative it’s trailing you to a better life a better railing for you to follow into some sort of surprise and becoming more or less Sensitive to be honest it’s worth mentioning it’s just a part of life it’s not like a knife took it by Surprise no it’s something you learn from and guide yourself people don’t know how to handle it and seems like they fell and all they feel is tiny like an elf but well that’s what they have in their frame of mind if all they could could just be overreacting it’s not trash it’s like mapping a new way you never saw like with me and Rapping somehow this lighting would just zapping me with new light now it’s a Delight but it’s all about having Self Esteem and being calm and not in Frustration or deep constipation because you’re not alone you’re not Isolated.

The author's comments:

Thee is not Alone but Only if thyself believes they are.


-Shadowous Out

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