Professor James | Teen Ink

Professor James

January 16, 2009
By Anonymous

25. Create a fantasy course. What is the subject matter, who is the professor, and what are the assignments?

He stood erect. Warm beads of sweat freely slid down the circumference of his face, swiftly rolling around his emphatically dilated pupils. His heart began to placate and beat at a much slower pace, recovering from a lengthy period of sporadic pounding. This was, of course, the ending another quotidian discussion led by Professor James. Only individuals stuck in a trance of oblivion fail to acknowledge—let alone admire—the passion that Professor James puts into his weekly lessons. Who would have even imagined that a lone man would be able to create an academic course out of mere imagination, motivation, and ideals? Professor James has always been known for his logical ideas of what life should be. His innovative course combines his push for ubiquitous social equality with hands-on progressive solutions. Strategically, Professor James teaches with phenomenal vigor. After spending hours preaching to like-minded students about the dysfunctions of social structures and prejudices, he encourages them to begin working on their weekly assignment, which is always to convince at least one other individual to think differently about social norms. He figures that his vigor—along with his gradually growing room of inspired students—will eventually lead to a global trend of human equality.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Oct. 7 2011 at 9:42 am
I like how you have a lot of ditels. LOVE IT!

on Nov. 5 2009 at 4:40 pm
yael krifcher BRONZE, Potomac, Maryland
3 articles 0 photos 32 comments
wow this is really really good! i love your writing style and the subject is really unique and captures your attention....cant wait to see what else you have!