Drugged Disaster | Teen Ink

Drugged Disaster

March 4, 2016
By Devstar2000 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
Devstar2000 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Walking down the streets of Penny town, Jerry heard a voice call to him from an ally. He looked down the alley and found a man in a cloak with a black box next to him. “Come here,” the man said. Jerry looked around, but didn’t see anyone else. He felt suspicious of this guy, but he went toward him anyway.
“You want some weed, sir?” the strange man asked. “Sorry,” Jerry said. “I don’t smoke weed.” “Come on,” the man pressed. “Everyone smokes something. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
Jerry looked behind himself nervously. “Don’t worry, friend,” the man said. “No one’s here.” He held out a small package. “It’ll relieve you from all your stress for 20 dollars.” Jerry thought for a moment, then he pulled a 20 dollar bill from his pocket and handed it to the man and took the drug.
“Pleasure doing business with you,” the man said with a malicious grin. Jerry left the alley and continued down the street. His job was stressful and it would be nice to feel good for a change. Besides, if he gets caught, if he gets caught, he could just say he’s using it for medical reasons..

In his small cubicle in an office building, Jerry was typing away at a computer. He was trying to fix a problem that popped up, like always, that he had trouble fixing. Working in the security field, there’s always something needing to be fixed. Even though he was good at it, Jerry didn’t like his job. He planned to join the military next month to get away from his boring, stressful life.
He looked at the weed he bought laying on his desk. Now would be a great time to use it, he thought. He took the pack, left his cubicle, and exited outside into an alley.
He lit one of the drugs and breathed in the substance. He immediately started to feel the effects. He felt more relaxed. His breathing slowed. It felt more soothing than any normal cigar. Then, suddenly, the door swung open from behind him and another co worker stepped out. Jerry didn’t pay him any mind for he was immersed in the wonderful feeling he was getting. He felt as if all his troubles had melted away and there was no longer anything to worry about.
A hand was then placed on Jerry’s shoulder. He looked back and saw a man wearing a hat in a blue uniform with a badge on his shirt. Jerry stared at the man for a moment and then stretched his hand with the pack in it toward the man. “Want some?” Jerry offered. Suddenly, Jerry was up against the wall with his hands behind his back being cuffed. The officer took Jerry down the alley to a police car parked beside the curb. “Do people not take offers kindly anymore?” Jerry protested as he was shoved in the back of the car. He was then driven to the town jail.
The next day, he was taken to court. Jerry claimed not to remember anything the previous day, but witnesses testified that he was in possession of the illegal drug. The court ended quickly since Jerry couldn’t afford a lawyer. Because of his clean record besides a few parking tickets, he was sentenced to 10 years of probation and and must stay in the town during that time during that time. He was also assigned a pair of officers to keep an eye on him, but he doubted they would watch him 24/7.

Back at his apartment, Jerry laid on his bed, no longer with a job, as a miserable heap of despair. His life was ruined because of trying to make his job less stressful. He was so close to getting out of this dump and now he had to spend another 10 years of aching misery in it in it.
But then, Jerry had a brilliant idea. Maybe if he earned enough money, he could pay off his sentence. But who would want to hire someone who’s on probation? He started to feel hopeless until he remembered the wanted posters put up around town. The amount of money awarded for catching those villains would be enough to pay off his his sentence and have a little extra afterword. There was one in particular he remembered who was worth 100 million dollars dead or alive; Brad Stewart.
Jerry got up from his bed and did some research on his computer. He found that Brad was wanted for murder, treason, drug abuse, and countless otherother felonies. He scrolled through a couple of pages until he found that Brad currently worked at a bank on the interstate in Penny town. Jerry was surprised how quickly he found his location. Since the bank is a couple miles away from his apartment, he’ll be able to take out a very dangerous man and have his sentence revoked.
Jerry got up from his chair and dug through his closet and pulled out a hunting rifle his dad gave him before he died a few years ago. He loaded the rifle, slung it around his shoulder, and left his apartment. He never gave a second thought to why Brad would be working at a bank.

Jerry pulled up in front of the bank, the windows glowing in the cloudless night, in his blue Chevrolet when he got the feeling he was being followed. He shook away the feeling as him just being paranoid and pulled out the crumpled wanted poster he stuffed in his pocket of Brad Stewart. He studied the face on the poster; his jaw line ridged, his face shaved, the scar under his eye.
Just one shot and Jerry would be free. He’ll be known as a hero and will surely be accepted into the military. Maybe he’ll be put as officer the first day. He'll be praised as the man who had taken out the most infamous man in Penny town. He’ll be praised as the man who had taken out the most infamous man in Penny town. People would throw parties and shout his name like the hero he is. But Jerry can’t be thinking of that now. He has to focus on the job at hand. He tossed the poster on the passenger seat and grabbed the rifle resting in the back seat.
Jerry rolled down the window and turned off the car. He looked around, but he didn’t see anyone. What was he looking for? It’s not like killing a criminal who’s wanted dead is illegal. He’s not doing anything wrong. At least that’s what he thought.
He pointed the gun at a window in the bank and looked down the scope on his rifle. He only saw one counter open with a couple people waiting in line, but the man behind the counter wasn’t Brad. He surveyed the area through his scope until he found a bald man sitting at a desk filling out paperwork. Jerry then realized the man looked exactly like the man in the poster, besides his bald head of course. He grinned in amazement to how quickly he found the man he was looking for. How could Jerry be so lucky?
Jerry took a calming breath in and let it out and then he pulled the trigger. The glass from the bank’s window shattered as a thunderous boom followed. The bald man’s head jerked back as he collapsed to the floor in a pool of blood. Excited for his execution, Jerry jumped out of his car with his gun to claim his prize.
When Jerry entered the building, he found everyone hiding behind a desk, counter, or potted plant. He couldn't blame them. They probably didn't know the felon he shot was among them. “Don't worry everyone,” Jerry announced. “Brad Stewart, the man I killed, was wanted for countless crimes. He could have killed you all if given the chance. I did you all a big favour.”
“That's not Brad,” a man said from behind a counter. “That was his brother, William. Brad was arrested yesterday.” Before Jerry could express his surprise, a pair of officers burst through the door with guns pointed at him.
“Drop your weapon,” one of the officers commanded. Jerry looked down at the man he shot, still not believing it wasn't Brad. He then noticed that there wasn't a scar on this man's face. With horror, Jerry realized that he'll go to prison for sure for what he did. He had to get away.
Jerry grabbed the table William was sitting at and flipped it on its side and ducked behind it. One shot was fired at Jerry, but missed him. Jerry pointed his gun over the table and fired a few shots blindly. Without knowing if Jerry had killed anyone else, he dropped the gun and ran from his cover into an office. He burst through the window in the office and started running down the interstate.
Cars flew by as he ran across the road. He was running toward a forest which is where he planned to escape the cops. Suddenly, cars stopped as a police car blocked his path. Jerry ducked behind the stopped cars and ran down the road. He risked a glance back and found an officer chasing him. Jerry continued down the road looking for an opening to escape into the forest, but hope vanished when he saw a police car driving to block the forest.
Trying to think of a plan, Jerry realized that there were no more cars around to shield him. He looked back and found the officer pointing a gun at him. Jerry was then shot in the back and collapsed to the ground. Jerry could no longer feel his lower body. His hands trembled as he laid on the road. His breathing slowed, and he started feeling more relaxed. This is how it ends for a criminal, Jerry thought. If only he hadn’t taken the weed he was offered in the alley, none of this would have happened. His hands stopped shuddering and his breathing slowed to a stop.

The author's comments:

This was made for a class project. We drew a piece of paper from some cups to determine our theme, setting, conflict, etc. My teacher prompted everyone to submit one of our works onto Teen Ink, and since I thought this was the best I've made that's complete, I wanted to submit this.

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