Left Here | Teen Ink

Left Here

January 6, 2016
By Satsuki SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
Satsuki SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Come on, pass me the envelope already,” Jacky demanded.
       I trembled, backing myself into the wall.  It was useless, there was nowhere I could run to.
       “Give it to me, you freak!”
        I tried glaring into my predator’s eyes, shaking with fear.
        “Are you deaf?  Don't you understand what ‘give’ means?  I guess I'll have to get it the hard way,” she smirked.  She twisted my ear, the excruciating pain spreading rapidly.  I was thrown onto the ground, kicked in previous injuries.  I winced at the consecutive bashing as they forcefully pried away that piece of paper, my last piece of freedom from me.  Their eyes widened after they tore open the envelope and read what was inside.  All of a sudden, they started laughing.               
         “There’s no way you could have gotten accepted into ‘that’ school,” Jacky scoffed.            
          My blood boiled at what she said. I glared at her as I tried to stand up and finally was able to get out the words, “Stop.  Give it back to me.”  That girl just crossed her arms and raised her eyes.  “So the pathetic freak decides to talk back, doesn't she?  You think we will let you escape.  You don't even deserve to be chosen.”  The empty hallways, filled with only the sounds of ripping.  My eyes widen, and I slowly fall back to the ground as my last piece of escape leaving me slowly, her cackling echoing through my ears.  It was once again torn away from me, my hope.
        In a way, it was like this was already my fate.  I was that mysterious girl that everyone tried to torture, the girl that nobody cared for.  I was only their victim to relieve their stress.  All humans are wretched, just like like the ones who took the only people in my life.  There was no use in living in this world.
          As I left the school building, that taunting place, I was shoved around by the sea of people.  I limped home as people eyed me in bewilderment.  Once I opened the door, I was safe, but alone.  I looked to the side of the house, at the picture smiling back at me.  My tears crept down without me knowing.  Fate and life are so cruel, yet the most torturous thing is that I'm still alive with no one here.  I wanted to escape to another world yet their last wishes were, “Stay alive and be happy no matter what.” 
         A few weeks later….
         I turned around and looked at the door of the empty house.  I no longer had to stay here, in this haunted neighborhood of mine.  Finally, I was able to leave, to leave for another place, with a new start and me.  The sun shined at me as I smiled for the first time in years, waiting for my new future.

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