909-Blank-Blank | Teen Ink


July 18, 2015
By Aver78 GOLD, Fontana, California
Aver78 GOLD, Fontana, California
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There's this girl. Uh let’s call her Victoria. And my name is Steve ok. Steve McCool. Cool sounding name right? Anyways back to the topic of Victoria. She's the girl of my dreams in virtually every aspect. She’s smart, down right gorgeous, funny, and oh yeah did I say she’s the girl of my dreams?

Our tale begins in the middle of my freshman year. I had known of her for some time and finally felt the time was right.

Tick, tick, tick. The moving hand of the clock lulls the final moments of class to an end. I sit there at my desk totally unnerved. A constant sweat corrupts my otherwise pristine face. Desperate I try to maintain my facade of confidence. The sweat however, has no plans in stopping its hostile takeover of my body. Drenched, my eye's dare to glimpse the source of the storm, Victoria.

It takes only a second until her eyes meet mine. Careful not to give my intentions away I beam sheepishly at her. All the while l cleverly tuck my arms close to my body skillfully covering up the embarrassing stains of sweat that threaten to destroy my entire plans. Strange it seems that she hasn’t returned my smile yet. In other times this action would have derailed my plans but today I am Steve McCool.

My breathing begins to slow down as I prepare myself. Still maintaining my smile and eye contact I decide that now is the time. I get up. Unfortunately Mrs. Dorothy is still teaching the class.

“Um excuse me,” she asks absolutely stunned, “why are you standing up right now? Sit back down there’s still 10 minutes of class left.”

Standing to the side of my desk I pay her no attention what so ever. Victoria is the only thing on my mind. Naturally since I’m in front row everyone sees me. But of course this didn’t affect me in the slightest, I am the legendary Steve McCool after all and like I said before Victoria is the only thing on my mind.

“Why are you… so sweaty? Are you ok?

Still staring at my prize, I ignore the confused speech of my teacher. She didn’t matter, not right now. The class stands on edge as I walk right past, the now absolutely bewildered, Mrs. Dorothy to an equally confused Victoria.

My plan works all the way until I get to her desk. Then I freeze. Increasingly aware of everyone’s gazes on me, I try my best to say the witty comment I was sure would have worked. My mouth, however, has other plans. I speak but nothing comes out. The nightmare scenario has begun.

Utterly confused Victoria smiles weakly then asks the question the whole class was probably thinking, “Wha…what do you want?”

I spit out, “You.”

She twinges, “What?”

“Your time has come.”


I curse to myself under my breath. I was sure that line should have worked. I saw it in a movie once!

“Are you going to hurt me?”

I laugh, “Ha-ha what do you mean? You are too funny Victoria! We’re best friends remember?”

“I don’t even know you. You just stare at me weirdly all the time.”

It was at this point that my delusion had finally broken. The apparent awkwardness of moment once unknown, had finally hit home. She didn’t even know me and all this time I was actually just freaking her out. Paying no attention to watchful gazes of virtually everyone in the room I procured a piece of paper from my pocket.

Placing the paper down I say almost begging, “I like you so much Victoria. Can you just um maybe give me your number please? I promise you… I’m not really all that weird. Could you just give me a chance?”

Heart screaming in my chest I stand there sweating vehemently, waiting for the girl of my dreams to respond. She smiles oddly at me as if somehow amused by all that was happening. It had been all for her after all. Her green eyes stare at the paper, then back to me, then back to the paper.

I watched as her mouth opened and said the magic words, “Sure.” 

As she took a pencil out from her blue jeans a rush of energy coursed throughout my body, I had actually done it! Someone from the back of the classroom even started clapping and in an instance the whole class was cheering.

“This is just so great,” one kid screamed.

Another yelled through the commotion, “Man I wish I had the guts to do that!”

Even Mrs. Dorothy couldn’t help but smile. All was great. Victoria smiled. Then biting her lip, almost blushing, she handed me my prize.

The applause grew louder as I grabbed my victory. Beaming I raised the paper above my head looking onward to my triumph.

It read, 909-Never-Mind!

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