Stress of Homework | Teen Ink

Stress of Homework

January 12, 2009
By Anonymous

Every night kids get a crap load of homework. All of this homework causes an excruciating pain on the kid’s minds and body’s. The other day my friend told me she had so much homework she needed to start drinking coffee or taking caffeine pills to stay awake. Here are some ways you can solve this problem:

The homework should be a harbinger of our learning. It shouldn’t be busy work.
The threat of teachers telling us to do our homework is reverberating in our heads. They shouldn’t have to threaten us to do our homework. We should want to do it.
Teachers should make the homework less fretful. If it looks to hard kids won’t even attempt to do it. Make it fun and exciting yet still teaches us something.
We usually need to take a respite during our homework because we have so much. Teachers should lighten the work load. They should spread it out over a few days.
Homework should be optional. If you know the subject you shouldn’t have to do the homework. It should be your own personal choice if you need the extra help.
Kids have jobs after school and don’t have time to do a lot of homework. My job is located in a remote area, and by time I get home I am too tired to do a lot of homework.
Homework seems to be ubiquitous. We had it in elementary school, middle school, and now high school. Every year the teachers keep adding more.
Make time in class so when we get home we don’t have as much.
Most succumb the guilt of not doing their homework and stay up all night to do it. Then they have to succumb coffee and caffeine pills, which is harmful to our bodies.
Parents yell at their children for staying up to late and thwart them from accomplishing their homework.

These ten steps will make teachers give less homework or make time in class to do it. It’s our choice if we want to do it. Homework causes a malignant wear on kids body and we will be burned out by the time were twenty-four.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 27 2010 at 8:16 pm
CallaRho BRONZE, Grosse Pointe, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 12 comments

obvious (and very awkward) thesaurus use--malignant, excrutiating

fix numbers

'kids' sounds naive and uneducated. try 'students'